一瓶装满蜜糖的罐被置放于厨房里。几只苍蝇每次飞过都嗅到蜜糖的飘香味,总是很舍不得离去。他们梦想如果能进入蜜罐内,一定要把所有的蜜糖吃光。 有一天,他们的梦想实现了! 一个管家把这瓶蜜罐打翻了,所有的蜜糖流了出来。不久,蜜糖的香味吸引了一大群苍蝇。苍蝇把脚停在蜜糖里,大吃一顿。 等到他们吃得很饱后,正想离去,脚却被蜜糖粘住,飞不起来,只得等死。 临终前,其中一只苍蝇叫道:“啊!我们都是傻瓜,为了眼前一点点快乐,不惜毁灭自己的生命! ” 哲理 有的人因贪图眼前的快乐,被欲望所俘虏、以致最后受尽折磨。不过,人只要有决心,能自我约東,便能摆脱利诱的困扰,以坚定的毅力去完成自己的理想与抱负。 The Flies and the Honey Pot There was a potful of honey in the kitchen. The flies lingered over the sweet smell every time they passed by the honey pot. They always dreamed of entering the honey pot and enjoying the honey to their hearts’ content. Their dreams came true one day when a butler tipped over the pot and the honey spilt all over the floor. Soon, the sweet smell attracted a swarm of flies. They set their feet in the honey and enjoyed the feast. When they were stuffed with honey and wanted to leave, their feet were stuck, making them unable to move. One of the dying flies cried, “How silly we are to sacrifice our lives for short-lived pleasure.” We should be aware of the risks we take while satisfying our desire for certain pleasures. |