很久以前,森林里住着一对很要好的朋友,他们是驴和狐狸。 驴个性单纯,对狐狸的一言一语尽信不疑。狐狸狡猾得很,常利用驴的弱点,驱使驴把农人引开,自己便钻进农场里偷鸡吃。 有一天,狐狸和驴正在林间散步,碰见也在捕食的狮子。他们害怕极了,不知如何是好。 狐狸灵机一动,大胆走上前去,靠在狮子的耳边轻声说:“敬爱的大王,请别伤害我。您正饿了吧?那头驴刚好可以充当您的食物。不过,我得先把他引到一个洞穴里,您再好好吃他也不迟。” 狮子点点头。驴站在一旁,听不见狐狸的说话。 狐狸转身对他说:“驴老弟,别怕,我已向狮子求情了,他答应不伤害我们。不过他要我们尽快消失,别再让他碰上。现在你得找个地方藏身。” “你有何本领,竟把他说服了? ”驴问。 “你和我在一起那么久,”狐狸说,“难道不知道聪明就是我最大的本领吗? ” 于是,狐狸把驴带领到一个山洞内。 狐狸说:“哪!这个地方很安全,你先藏在里面,别乱跑。我去找些食物,回头再与你会合。” 就在此时,暗中跟踪而至的狮子已难忍饥饿,从后面一跃而起,先向狐狸猛扑过去,再把驴击倒,然后坐在那里享受丰富的一餐了。 故事哲理: 对待那些貌似忠诚,却心怀奸诈的人,我们千万不能放松警惕,更不能轻信他的花言巧语。踏实、真诚的朋友才是难能可贵的. The Dishonest Friend A long time ago, a donkey and a fox were good friends. The donkey was very trusting. He believed everything that the fox said. The fox, on the other hand, was very cunning. He always made use of the donkey to get food for him. One day the fox and the donkey were walking in the jungle. Suddenly, they saw a lion. They were very frightened, but the fox pretended to be brave and went up to meet the lion. The fox whispered to the lion, “Oh, Your Majesty! Please don’t hurt me. I will help you to lure the donkey to a cave and you can eat him there.” 7he lion agreed with the fox’s suggestion. Then the)x lied to the donkey that the lion had agreed not to e. them. ‘Now you must hide in a safe place so that the lion won’t find you again,” the fox told the donkey. The fox took the donkey into a deep cave. He told the donkey that it was a safe place. suddenly, the lion walked up from the back. He attacked the fox and then the donkey. Finally, he had the w animals for his meal. People who cheat others can end up Being cheated too. |