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时间:2014-03-25 16:54来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
森林里住着一只乌鸦,长得全身乌溜溜的她很讨厌自己的颜色,认为就因为这身黑衣裳,人们见了她就要打。 每当她看见天鹅飞过时,心里总是羡慕不已。 如果我能像天鹅一般全身长着

每当她看见天鹅飞过时,心里总是羡慕不已。 “如果我能像天鹅一般全身长着白羽毛,”乌鸦自言自语说,“那人们看到我,恨不得把我捉回去欣赏呢! ” “唔,听说‘后天的努力可以补助先天的缺陷’,说不定有一天我也可以把自己变成一只白色的鸟呢! 让我想想办法……啊!有了! ”这只愚笨的乌鸦便模仿天鹅把自己浸在湖里。她想:“天鹅每天如此浸着,所以才拥有一身的白羽毛呢! ”


天鹅看见了,觉得很奇怪,便问:“乌鸦,你不谙(an)水性,长期浸在水里,会病着的呀! ”

“你难道没听过‘习惯成自然’吗? ”乌鸦固执地 说,“再过不久,我会比你们还要美丽还要健壮呢! ” 日复一日,乌鸦终日在水里浸洗,可是她的颜色丝毫没有减退的迹象。终于有一天,她因受不住寒冻,死了。


人各有先天的秉賦,既有优点也有缺点,千万别为了要使自己和别人一样,而把自己投向非自己能力所能适应的境地去。弃长就短,只会加速自己的灭亡罢了 !

The Crow That Wanted to be White
Once upon a time, there was feathers a crow. He hated his black feathers. He thought that people disliked him because of his black.
One day the crow saw a swan flying in the air. He was fascinated by the swan’s white feathers. He thought that he too could become white if he lived like the swan.
The crow said to himself, “The swan is white because he always swims and dives in the pond•,’
From that day onwards, the crow began to swim and dive in the pond. He also washed his feathers thoroughly.
The swan was surprised to see this. He said to the crow, “Hey, Crow! You are not used to the water. You will get sick if you swim and dive in the water too long.”
“I will get used to the water soon,” answered the crow. “Then my feathers will be as white as yours.” The crow soaked himself every day for a long time, but his feathers did not turn white. He only became weaker and weaker. Finally, he fell sick and died.
We must accept what we are born with.