他们的命运被铺天盖地地谈论着,马航MH370上命运未知的乘客和机组人员似乎被简单的缩减为了代表“失联人员”的一个数字。 239。 然而,对于那些此刻深陷痛苦、深爱并思念着他们的家人来说,他们远比这数字有血有肉。机上的乘客来自十几个国家,他们都是活生生的人. 最年轻的乘客年仅2岁,最年长的76岁高龄。有5位乘客甚至还没过5岁生日。 他们之中有工程师,一位艺术家和一位特技演员,以及佛教徒,观光客和上班族。对于等待他们归期的人来说,他们是父亲,母亲,孩子,灵魂伴侣和最亲爱的朋友。 正如在任何一个大规模、随机的人群中一样,机上的乘客各具特色,是239个有着独特背景、特质与生活的个体。 以下是他们中一些人的故事: 鞠坤 鞠坤在社交媒体上的账号被祈愿他平安归来的留言所淹没。这位35岁的武术指导曾在多部电影中担任武打替身,如《一代宗师》和《功夫之王》。后者更是星光熠熠,由成龙和李连杰主演。鞠坤本计划在未来几周内参与网飞公司系列电影之《马可波罗》的拍摄。 中国演员章子怡在微博上称赞鞠坤“为人诚恳厚道,勤奋努力”;而网飞公司则表示他是“我们创作团队不可或缺的成员,也是一位极具天赋的演员”。 钱德里卡·沙玛 K.S.纳兰德隆本打算去吉隆坡询问关于妻子的消息,但最终觉得此行意义不大。他居住的印度金奈没有最新消息的进展,吉隆坡也同样没有。所以,他说自己更希望“有家人和朋友陪伴”。 沙玛是国际渔工援助合作社的执行秘书,此行是去蒙古参加联合国粮农组织的会议。纳兰德隆说从官方几乎没有获得任何消息,而他也和其他人一样,只能依靠媒体的报道,但“目前几乎没有任何进展”。 保罗·威克斯 威克斯将自己的结婚戒指和手表留在了家中,起身前往蒙古进行采矿工作。这个新西兰人告诉妻子“如果发生任何意外”,就将戒指和手表传给两个儿子。 丹妮卡紧紧握着丈夫的结婚戒指,在与CNN记者的交谈中强忍着眼泪。她说丈夫搭乘马航MH370航班的目的地是蒙古。她说丈夫是“最了不起的丈夫和父亲”,总是陪伴两个孩子玩耍。她说最让人煎熬的是这个残忍的谜:他们无法得知飞机上到底发生了什么。 “他有力量,也有性格,只靠言语无法表达。他是我最好的朋友,也是我的灵魂伴侣。我等不及他赶紧回来。我盼望着,盼望着。” 顾乃君和李元 据《悉尼先驱晨报》报道,31岁的顾乃君和32岁的李元夫妇有两个女儿。顾乃君通过自己微博账号告诉经常出差在外的丈夫两个“公主”的最新动态。女儿们或是在游泳,在玩滑梯,穿着镶褶边的衣服;亦或是很喜欢出门吃的一顿午餐。 报道还称,这对华裔夫妇在澳洲的悉尼坠入了爱河,并搬到了悉尼郊区。他们刚刚卖掉了位于悉尼Sylvania的房产,大部分时间在中国生活。李元(英文名叫Carlos)是北京磊元科技公司的合伙人,他的一位长期雇员称,得知消息后自己和同事都很震惊。他说李元“是一个很优秀的老板,对职员友善,而且工作很拼命。” 穆克塔·穆克吉和肖默柏 42岁的穆克吉是XCoal Energy & Resources(美国煤矿商)中国公司的副总裁。他的妻子肖默柏37岁,曾居住在蒙特利尔,曾是加拿大电视台的播音员。肖默柏在脸谱网主页上写道,他们夫妇将两个年幼的儿子留在北京,由孩子的姥姥照看;夫妻俩则去了越南度假。 马修·麦肯基是这对夫妇的朋友。他说穆克吉“深爱着”妻子肖默柏,“对为人父母的两人来说,最重要的就是自己的孩子们”。 毛土贵 毛土贵是一位画家。他的妻子胡显群最后一次跟丈夫通话是在3月2日,他登机去参加画展的时候。跟丹妮卡·威克斯一样,胡显群也因为消息的毫无进展而愁眉紧锁。悲痛已经渐渐转化为了难以忍受的失望。 莫哈末·苏凡·易卜拉欣和翁美玲 33岁的哈斯福·纳兹里得知飞机失踪后的痛苦是双倍的。在马来西亚上学的时候,他不但与机上33岁的易卜拉辛同住一个宿舍,也与33岁的美玲是同学。 随着时间的流逝,纳兹里承认救援的希望越来越渺茫。但他还记得同两人一起的旧时光。登上马航MH370航班之前,易卜拉辛在脸谱网上发布了一张照片。他此行要去北京,为马来西亚国际贸易与工业部工作。纳兹里说易卜拉辛是一个好学生和一个优秀的演说家,并且是“一个很棒的、善良的朋友,乐于助人,是个乐天派,绝不是那种人群外的局外人”。 而纳兹里印象中的美玲是一个有趣的女人,她的笑容很感染人。她是“一个非常开朗的女孩”。美玲在美国富莱克斯公司工作,是一家总部设在俄亥俄州的化学品制造公司,为橡胶工业提供化学品。2010年起,她搬到了宾西法尼亚州生活。回忆当年一起完成作业的时候,纳兹里说她的“适应能力很强”。 黄毅 贵州省一位小学教师黄路(音)在期待着“奇迹”发生,希望朋友黄毅能够平安归来。30岁的黄毅在飞思卡尔半导体公司(一家总部在德克萨斯的科技公司)工作,她与19位同事都在失踪的航班上。 黄路和黄毅从孩童时起就是朋友了,经常在网上联系。黄路经常跟黄毅5岁的女儿圆圆(音)聊天,聊家庭,聊抚养孩子。黄路说自己这个朋友“很善良,活泼,我很喜欢跟她聊天”。“毅,请你平安回来。圆圆需要你。” 斯瓦沃德·克莱卡 在印度孟买,23岁的艾诗特·乔希在疯狂地搜索着同学克莱卡的消息。克莱卡在北京的家人也在焦急地询问着他的去向。 乔希说克莱卡“很内向,但是非常非常聪明……他有点像科学怪才,在工程学院做过很多电路和项目。” “他的朋友不多——他有点像个独行侠。但他具备一个好朋友应有的一切。” 李燕 张桂枝(音)是李燕的伯母。她从中国中部一路来到北京,希望办理护照,以便第一时间赶去飞机发现地。她并不清楚办理的流程。她说31岁的李燕与丈夫和4个朋友同行,是去马来西亚旅游的。讲述的过程中她一直在哭泣。 菲利普·伍德 51岁的伍德是两个孩子的父亲。据学校发言人瑞莎·弗雷斯特介绍,伍德于1985毕业于俄克拉荷马州基督教大学,拥有数学和计算机科学双学位。在学校的脸谱网主页上,有人评价担任IBM管理人员的伍德是一位“温柔,善良,有着良好音乐品味的艺术家”。 他的家人在一份声明中写道,“他的言谈都是金句,无比宽厚,有创意,又很机智。他关心别人,关爱家人,尤其深爱基督。” 玛丽·巴罗斯和罗德尼·巴罗斯 据澳大利亚联合通讯社报道,巴罗斯夫妇的邻居曼迪·沃特和唐·斯托克描述他们为三个“成功又幸福的”孩子们的父母,他们的两个女儿和一个儿子都已成年。罗德尼·巴罗斯在去年被裁员后计划去中国旅游。 沃特谈到这对来自澳大利亚中央公园夫妇时说道:“我不想用陈腔滥调形容这对夫妻,可他们真的是彼此的灵魂伴侣。” 凯瑟琳·劳顿和罗伯特·劳顿 据澳大利亚联合通讯社报道,这对来自澳洲斯普林菲尔德湖的夫妇年过半百,是很有激情的旅行家。他们家中有三个女儿,还有深爱着的孙辈。 罗伯特的哥哥大卫形容他是“非常棒的父亲,一个很好的人”。罗伯特的嫂子说劳顿夫妇和好友巴罗斯夫妇一起计划了这次的旅行,而凯瑟琳在脸谱网的最新状态是她临行前的信息:“出发去中国”。 Amid the void of information on their fates, it seems at times the passengers and crew of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 have been reduced to a number. Two hundred and thirty-nine. Yet, as their families and others who love and miss them can attest through their anguish, they are so much more. Hailing from at least a dozen nations, they represent a vast gamut of humanity. The youngest is 2, the oldest 76. Five passengers haven't seen their fifth birthdays. They are engineers, an artist and a stunt man, along with Buddhist pilgrims, vacationers and commuters. To those who wait for them, they are fathers, mothers, children, soulmates and the dearest of friends. As could be said of any large, random group, they are many things, individuals with 239 unique backgrounds, idiosyncrasies and lives. Here are a few of their stories: Ju Kun Ju's social media account has been flooded with well-wishers praying for his safe return. Many know the 35-year-old martial arts expert from his stand-ins as a stunt man in films like "The Grandmaster" and "The Forbidden Kingdom." The latter starred genre luminaries Jackie Chan and Jet Li. Ju was slated to begin filming on the Netflix series, "Marco Polo" in coming weeks. Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi wrote on Weibo that Ju "is a sincere, kind and hardworking man," while Netflix said he is "an integral part of our production team and a tremendous talent." Chandrika Sharma K.S. Narendran considered going to Kuala Lampur for more information on his wife, but ultimately he didn't see the point. No information in Chennai, India, is the same as no information in Kuala Lampur, so he'd prefer to be "surrounded by family and friends." Sharma, the executive secretary of the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers, was en route to Mongolia for a U.N.'s Food and Agriculture Organization conference. Narendran says he's received little information from authorities and, like most of the world, has relied on news reports, which "thus far amounted to nothing," he said. Paul Weeks Weeks left his wedding ring and watch at home when he took a mining job in Mongolia. The New Zealander instructed his wife, Danica, to pass them on to his two sons "should anything happen." Danica clutched her husband's wedding ring and fought back tears as she explained to CNN that her husband was aboard Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, en route to Mongolia. She describes him as "the most amazing husband and the most amazing father," who always spends time with his boys. She says the hardest part is the cruel mystery: not knowing what happened to the plane. "He had strength, character. He's just so much. He's my best friend and my soulmate, and I just can't wait for him to come back. I hope. I hope." Gu Naijun and Li Yuan Gu, 31, uses her Weibo account to keep her oft-traveling husband, Li, 32, apprised of the goings-on of their two "princesses," whether the daughters are swimming, playing on the slide, dressing in frilly costumes or just enjoying a lunch outing, The Sydney Morning Herald reported. The Chinese couple fell in love in Sydney, Australia, and moved to its suburbs. They had recently sold their Sylvania home and were spending most of their time in China, the paper reported. Li, who went by Carlos, is a partner with Beijing Landysoft Technology, where one longtime employee said he and his coworkers were shocked. "He's a good boss, kind, and extremely hard-working,'' the employee said. Muktesh Mukherjee and Xiaomo Bai Mukherjee, 42, is vice president of China operations for Xcoal Energy & Resources. He and his wife, Xiaomo Bai, 37, who broadcaster CTV identified as Canadians who once lived in Montreal, left their two young boys with Bai's mom in Beijing while they went on vacation in Vietnam, according to Bai's Facebook page. Matthew McConkey, a friend of the couple's, said Mukherjee "was very much in love with" Bai, and "as parents nothing was more important to them than those kids." Mao Tugui Hu Xianquan last spoke to her husband, Mao, a painter, March 2, as he was boarding a plane to attend an exhibition for his work. Like Danica Weeks, she finds the dearth of information frustrating, and her grief has morphed to agonizing frustration. Mohd Sofuan Ibrahim and Ch'ng Mei Ling Hasif Nazri, 33, was doubly sad upon learning of the plane's disappearance. Not only did he live in the same dorm as the 33-year-old Ibrahim during their school days in Malaysia, but Mei Ling, also 33, is another former classmate. While Nazri acknowledges losing hope as the days drag on, he has fond memories of his old friends. Ibrahim, who posted a Facebook photo before boarding Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, was traveling to Beijing to begin work for Malaysia's Ministry of International Trade and Industry. A good student and speaker, Ibrahim is also "a good, kind-hearted friend, very helpful, cheerful and definitely no wallflower," Nazri said. Nazri remembers Mei Ling, meanwhile, as a funny woman with an infectious laugh. She's a "very cheerful girl." Mei Ling works for Flexsys America LP, an Ohio-based manufacturer of chemicals for the rubber industry, and has lived in Pennsylvania since 2010. She "was very adaptable," Nazri recalled from his days doing coursework with her. Huang Yi Huang Lu, an elementary school teacher in China's Guizhou province, hopes for "miracle" news of her friend, Huang Yi, 30, who works for the Texas-based technology firm Freescale Semiconductor, and was aboard the flight with 19 colleagues when the plane disappeared. Huang Lu and Huang Yi have been friends since they were teens and have kept in touch online. Huang Lu often spoke to her friend's daughter, Yuanyuan, 5, about family and raising kids. "She's kind, lively and a good person to talk with," Huang Lu said of her pal. "Yi, please come back. Yuanyuan needs you." Swawand Kolekar In Mumbai, India, Archit Joshi, 23, desperately sought information on his classmate, Kolekar, whose family in Beijing was also desperate for any information on his whereabouts. Joshi described Kolekar as "very reserved but very, very intelligent ... a bit of a techno-freak and he made a lot of circuits and projects at engineering college." "He didn't have many friends -- he was a bit of a loner -- but he had all the attributes a good friend should have." Li Yan Li's aunt, Zhang Guizhi, traveled from central China to Beijing and was hoping to obtain a passport to travel to wherever the plane is found. She wasn't sure how to go about the process and began weeping when she explained Li, 31, had traveled with her husband and four friends to Malaysia for vacation. Philip Wood The 51-year-old father of two graduated from Oklahoma Christian University in 1985 with a Bachelor of Science in math and computer science, said school spokeswoman Risa Forrester. On the school's Facebook page, a man wrote that Wood, an IBM executive, is "gentle, kind, had great taste in music and was a wonderful artist." "His word was gold," his family said in a statement. "Incredibly generous, creative and intelligent, Phil cared about people, his family, and above all, Christ." Mary and Rodney Burrows Neighbors Mandy Watt and Don Stoke say the Burrowses are the hard-working parents of three "successful, all happy" adult children -- two daughters and a son. Rodney Burrows had planned his trip to China after being laid off last year, the Australian Associated Press reported. Watt further said of the Middle Park, Australia, couple, "I hate to use the cliche, but they were soulmates." Catherine and Robert Lawton The Lawtons, a Springfield Lakes, Australia, couple, in their mid-50s, are passionate travelers, parents to three daughters and doting grandparents, according to the Australian Associated Press. Robert's brother, David, described him as a "very good father, such a good person." Robert's sister-in-law said the Lawtons had planned their trip with their good friends, the Burrowses. Cathy's last Facebook post before leaving was, "Off to China." |