大象elephant[英]['elɪfənt] [美][ˈɛləfənt] 中英文小故事:大象之死 有一只大象,觉得自己身材魁梧,就很瞧不起其他动物。一天,它到湖边喝水,把一窝小云雀儿踩死了。云雀妈妈飞回来,伤心地问:“大象,你是故意踩了死我的孩子的,还是无意的?”大象趾高气扬地说:“就是我故意把你的孩子踩死了,你又能把我怎么样?” 云雀听完大象的话,什么也没说就飞走了。它在森林里召集了自己的朋友,诉说了自己的不幸,请大家帮自己报仇。它的朋友们个个义愤填膺,商定了复仇计划。 一天,大象睡得正酣,啄木鸟飞到大象的眼皮上,趁大象睡觉的时机用力将它的眼珠啄出来了。 大象失明了,辨认不请方向。天黑的时候它渴得要命,想到河边饮水。可是它已经瞎了,找不到水。这时它想出个主意:哪里有青蛙的叫声,哪里就一定有水。为了替云雀报仇,青蛙们到陡峭的山沟里叫。大象循声走到了山沟边,它伸长鼻子在沟里找水,但怎么也找不到。大象暗想:“我的身体这么强大,水再深也不怕,为什么不跳下去喝个够呢?”于是,大象纵身跳进幽深的山谷,送了命。 The Death of an Elephant An elephant looked down upon other animals when it realized it had a huge body. One day it went to drink water by a lake and tramped on a nest of the young of a lark and killed them. The lark flew to the elephant and asked in great sorrow,“Did you do it intentionally or unintentionally?” The elephant said proudly, “ What if I did it intentionally?” The lark said nothing and flew away. It gathered all its friends in the forest and told them its misfortune, and asked them to revenge. The friends were very angry and came up with a plan for revenge. One day, the elephant was having a sound sleep. A woodpecker flew to its eyelid and pecked its eyes out. The elephant lost its sight and could not tell the directions. When it grew dark, it was extremely thirsty and wanted to go to the lake for water. As it was blind,it could not find water. It then had an idea : wherever the frog cries,there must be water. The frogs, however,cried in the steep ravine to revenge for the lark. The elephant came along and stretched its nose long looking for water but in vain. It then thought:since I have such a huge body, I don’t have to fear no matter how deep the water is. Why don't I jump down and drink to my heart’s content? It then threw itself forward and fell into the deep valley killing itself. 中英文例句 1. The elephant wasn't staked out; you saw that. 大象没有被圈起来;你也见到了。 2. We got very close to a mother elephant and her child-apparently too close. 我们与一头母象和它的小象非常靠近明显是太靠近了。 3. Which is more dangerous, an elephant or a minivan? 一辆小货车和一头大象,哪个更危险? 4. The nuclei of mammoth cells will be inserted into an elephant's egg. 长毛象细胞的细胞核将注入到大象的卵细胞中。 5. Genetic researchers may have resolved a long-standing dispute by proving there are two species of african elephant. 遗传学研究人士证明非洲象是两个物种,从而可能解决一个长期存在的争论。 |