自私selfish[英][ˈselfɪʃ] [美][ˈsɛlfɪʃ] 中英文小故事:自私的丈夫 从前,有一对老夫妇住在山脚下。一天,老人祭奠祖先后,一个邻居让人给他们送来了一些食品。邻居送来了米饭、蔬菜,不过只有一块蛋糕。夫妻俩都不愿意把蛋糕分了吃,于是,他们决定第一个开口的人不能吃蛋糕。这老两口把蛋糕放在了桌上,盯着蛋糕,沉默不语。 就在这个时候,一个窃贼进了房间,瞧见老人和他的妻子默默地坐在那儿,就认为他们一定又聋又瞎。于是,窃贼不慌不忙地把所有想要的都拿了,然后他就打起老妇人来。她丈夫只是坐在那儿,把什么都看在眼里,但就是不吭声。老妇人终于感到忍无可忍,便冲着丈夫叫了起来:“你这个没心没肺的老东西!这个家伙这般打我,你竟然能静静地坐在那里!” 这时,她丈夫开口说话了:“这块蛋糕是我的了。”说罢,他冷漠地把蛋糕一下子塞进了嘴里。 A Selfish Husband Once upon a time an old man lived with his wife at the foot of a mountain. One day, after he had held a service in memory of his ancestors,one of their neighbours sent them a present of some food. He sent them cooked rice and vegetables, but only one cake. They were unwilling to divide it,and so they agreed that the first to speak shouldn't eat the cake. So they left it on the table, and sat gazing at it in silence. Just then a thief broke into the house 9 and when he saw the old man and his wife sitting there in silence, he concluded that they must be blind and deaf. So he calmly took every thing he wanted and began to beat the old woman. But her husband just sat and watched in silence. At last his wife could stand it no longer. She shouted at him, “You heartless old man! You sit there quietly while this fellow beats me!” Then the old man said, “The cake is mine,”and coolly popped it into his mouth. 中英文例句 1. Possibly in previous eras, bosses were less selfish. 可能在以前,老板们没这么自私。 2. So, rather than being selfish, such activity is actually the least selfish thing you could do! 所以,这种行为不是自私,而实际上是你可以去做的最不自私的事! 3. Only recently the japanese people and the government were seen as indecisive and selfish, muddled with complaints and bickering. 直到最近日本人民和政府还依然被视为优柔寡断,自私自利,总是相互抱怨和争吵。 4. It's selfish of you to even try. 即便试一试也显示你是自私的。 5. Each has described the other as selfish. 每一方都责怪对方是自私的。 |