宠物狗lapdog[英][ˈlæpdɒg] 中英文小故事:驴和宠物狗 从前,有一个人养了一头毛驴和一条漂亮的马耳他狗。毛驴每天都呆在驴棚里。驴棚里有的是燕麦和干草可吃。那条漂亮的马耳他狗备受主人的宠爱,可以和主人玩耍。每次主人出去吃饭回来时,总会给狗带点儿好吃的,这时,狗就会摇着尾巴高兴地跑向主人。 毛驴的境遇则相反。他在玉米磨坊有很多活要干,还要从小树林里驮回木头,或者运送农场的货物。于是他经常抱怨自己命运的悲惨,时常把自己的遭遇和那条受宠而又无事可做的狗相比较。有一天,毛驴挣脱了绳子和伽锁,闯进了主人的房间。他围着自己的主人团团转,不断地举蹄蹬腿,没个深浅。他也学着狗在主人身边蹦来跳去,因为他见过马耳他狗这样做过,不过他踢坏了桌子,打碎了桌上面的碟子。进而他想用舌头舔主人,为此跳到了主人的背上去。 仆人们听到了吵闹声。他们看见自己的主人正陷于危险之中,就立刻赶来救助主人。他们脚踢棒打地把毛驴赶回了驴棚。 被打得奄奄一息的毛驴回到了驴棚,感慨道:“我真是自作自受。我本应该满足于和我的同伴们一起辛勤劳动,而不该与那条小狗争宠吃醋。” The Donkey and the Lapdog A man had a donkey and a pretty Maltese lapdog. The donkey was left in a stable where there were plenty of oats and hay to eat. But the lapdog was fondled by the master and allowed to play with him. And when the man dined out,lie would bring back titbits and throw them to the dog when it came running and rushing and wagging his tail. The donkey on the other hand,had much work to do in grinding the corn-mill and in carrying wood from the forest or burdens from the farm. He often groaned over his own hard fate and contrasted it with the luxury and idleness of;he lapdog, till one day he broke his cords and halter and galloped into his master’s house. Frisking around his master,he kept kicking up his heels without measure. He also tried to jump about his master as he had seen the lapdog,but broke the table and smashed the dishes on it. Then he tried to lick his master, and jumped on his back. The servants heard these things and noticed their master endangered. They quickly helped him and drove out the donkey to his stable with kicks and clubs. As the donkey returned to his stall beaten nearly to death he moaned,‘‘I have brought it all on myself. It should been enough for me to toil with my companions and not wish to emulate the little lapdog!” 中英文例句 1. You're such a little lapdog. 你真是个小哈巴狗。 2. You're still my brother's lapdog. 你仍然是我哥哥的走狗。 3. Blair said he had learned to live with taunts of being bush's "poodle" or "lapdog." 布莱尔说,他已经习惯了别人嘲笑自己为布什的“哈巴狗”。 4. During an interview in his office he held a large alloyed bar of gold silver and copper in his lap and stroked it like an emperor might pet a lapdog. 在他的办公室专访期间,他手握着一根金,银,铜制成的合金权杖靠在膝盖旁,像一个皇帝轻抚着自己的宠物狗。 5. But to my mind this part of our heritage should be made over to the lapdog writers, for unless our authors strivemight and main to do away with it they may become birds of a feather. 但我想,这一份遗产,还是都让给叭儿狗文艺家去承受罢,我们的作者倘不竭力的抛弃了它,是会和他们成为“一丘之貉”的。 |