小丑buffoon[英][bəˈfu:n] [美][bəˈfun] 中英文小故事:小丑和村夫 从前,有一个富人,开了一家小剧院,但从来不收钱。富人还贴了一张布告,谁要发明一种新型的娱乐节目,就给他丰厚的奖赏。于是,很多演员都来争这个奖赏。其中有个小丑,在市井中,以幽默笑话而著称。他说他可以表演个节目,保证从来没有在台上表演过。消息传开,引起不小的轰动,小剧院被挤得水泄不通。小丑站在台上,没有任何助手和道具,观众席上一片肃然,都期待着他的精彩表演。突然他把头向前一弯,模仿小猪叫了一声。太像了!观众席哗然:“他的斗篷底下藏了个小猪,斗篷底下藏了个小猪!叫他掀开衣服把小猪亮出来。”小丑一掀斗篷,什么都没有。此时观众更为他的表演折服了,并报以热烈的掌声。人群中一个村夫目睹了整个过程,默念道:“赫拉克勒斯啊!给我力量吧!助我一臂之力,这种小伎俩我更胜他一筹。”然后大声说:“明天我也可以表演,而且模仿得更像。”第二天,剧院里挤满了更多前来观看的人。两人同时登台亮相,小丑首先像头一天一样模仿小猪的哼叫声“咕噜噜,咕噜噜”,顿时台下掌声雷鸣。接下来是村夫表演,做着动作,装作在衣服下面藏了只小猪(他确实藏了,但是观众并没有怀疑)。村夫抓住小猪,拽着它的耳朵让它叫唤。但是台下观众嚷嚷着,一致认为小丑表演得比村夫像多了,要求把村夫赶出剧院。这时村夫掀开斗篷,亮出了小猪。“看看吧!你们是怎么当的裁判呀!” The Buffoon and the Countryman A rich nobleman once opened a theater without charge to the people,and gave a public notice that he would handsomely reward any person who invented a new amusement for the occasion. Various public performers contended for the prize. Among them came a Buffoon well known among the populace for his jokes, and said that he had a kind of entertainment which had never been brought out on any stage before. This report being spread about made a great stir, and the theater was crowded in every part. The Buffoon appeared alone upon the platform, without any apparatus or confederates,and the very sense of expectation caused an intense silence. He suddenly bent his head towards his bosom and imitated the squeaking of a little pig so admirably with his voice that the audience declared he had a porker under his cloak,and demanded that it should be shaken out. When that was done and nothing was found, they cheered the actor,and loaded him with the loudest applause. A Countryman in the crowd,observing all that had passed,said,“So help me,Hercules,he shall not beat me at that trick! ” and at once proclaimed that he would do the same thing on the next day,though in a much more natural way. On the morrow a still larger crowd assembled in the theater. Both of the performers appeared on the stage. The Buffoon grunted and squeaked away first, and obtained,as on the preceding day,the applause and cheers of the spectators. Next the Countryman commenced ,and pretending that he concealed a little pig beneath his clothes ( which in truth he did,but not suspected by the audience ) contrived to take hold of and to pull his ear causing the pig to squeak. The Crowd however, cried out with one consent that the Buffoon had given a far more exact imitation, and clamored for the Countryman to be kicked out of the theater. On this the rustic produced the little pig from his cloak. “Look here,” he said,“this shows what sort of judges you are. ” 中英文例句 1. Buffoon what does this buffoon do for your charity besides intimidate you? 小丑除了为难你,这个小丑能为你的慈善机构做什么呢? 2. Q: why is this commentator, clive tilsly, such a buffoon? 问:为什么评论员克莱夫蒂尔斯利这么像个小丑? 3. Here a clown and high-wire artist goad her man, who is finally jailed for threatening the buffoon with a knife. 在那里一个高空走钢丝的小丑艺术家激怒了她的主人,并使他因用刀威胁小丑而被投入狱。 4. You don't want to be remembered as the guy or girl who ruined the party by falling off the roof like a drunken buffoon. 你不会希望自己因为像喝醉的小丑一样从屋顶上摔下来搞砸了整个聚会而被大家记住。 5. Of course the only way a white guy could possibly entertain a chinese audience would be to be a complete buffoon. 理所当然,一个白人唯一可能取悦中国观众的途径是将自己变成一个完完全全的丑角。 |