战争war[英][wɔ:(r)] [美][wɔr] 中英文小故事:狮子发动战争 从前,一只狮子决定发动一场战争。他对众臣和他的军队说:“狮子王命令森林中所有的动物明天都必须到他这里集合准备参战,一个都不能少。” 所有的动物第二天都准时报到了,狮子开始宣布命令:“大象,你长得最高大,所以你来运送枪支和其他供给。你,狐狸,一向以深谋远虑著称,就来帮助我制订歼敌的策略吧。猴子,你动作灵敏,又会爬树,你来当侦察兵,负责在高处监视敌人的一举一动。熊,强壮又机敏,你爬上要塞,吓唬敌人。” 来集合的动物中还有兔子和驴。大臣们看到他们时,他们摇摇头,其中一个人说:“大王,我觉得驴不会成为一个好的士兵,据说他容易受到惊吓。” 狮子看了看驴,然后对大臣们说:“他叫起来比我的声音还洪亮。就让他在我的身边做一个发号施令的号手吧。” 大臣们又指了指兔子,说:“他比驴的胆子更小。我们应该让他回家去!” 狮子沉思了一会儿,然后走到兔子跟前说:“你经常要躲避敌人,所以你一定知道,要想活命就一定要比别人跑得快,你就当我的通讯员吧,这样我的部队在几秒钟之内就能够接收到我的命令。”接着,狮子面对所有人说道:“在战争中,每个人都有用武之地;每个人都可以尽其最大的力量,为共同的事业做出应有的贡献!” The Lion Goes to War Once upon a time,a lion decided to go to war. He said to his ministers and his army,“King Lion commands that all animals in the forest must come before him tomorrow to go to war. Nobody must fail to appear.” The lion’s subjects all presented themselves on time and the lion issued the orders,“Elephant,you're the largest, you’ll transport the fox,have a reputation for up the plans of battle to beat off enemy attacks. You, monkey, nimble and good at climbing trees, will act as lookout and spy the enemy’s movements from above. Bear, you’re strong and agile,so you’ll scale the fortress walls and terrorize the enemy. ” Amongst those present were also the rabbit and the donkey. When the king’s ministers saw them, they shook their heads, then one said, “Sire,I don’t think the donkey will make a good soldier. They say he is easily fright- ened. ” The lion looked at the donkey, then turning to his ministers. He remarked, “He brays louder than I can roar. He’ll stay at my side and be the trumpet that will rally the troops. ” The ministers then pointed to the rabbit,“He,s even more nervous than the donkey. We should send him home! ” Again the lion stood thoughtfully for a moment, then going over to the rabbit and said,“You always flee from your enemies,so you’ve learned that you have to be faster than the others if you’re to survive. So you’ll act as messenger, and within seconds, all the soldiers will receive my orders. ” Then, turning to the crowd, he said,“Everyone can make himself useful in a war. Everyone can help the common cause at best he can!” 中英文例句 1. He has promised a long war. 他已扬言要打持久战。 2. But trade war is not the solution. 但贸易战并非解决之道。 3. We're fighting a commercial war. 我们是在打一场商业战。 4. Who wants war with russia over this? 此时有谁希望与俄罗斯一战? 5. Mr brown's handling of the war may still feature in the election campaign. 布朗先生的战事处理能力或许在竞选中将依然发挥重要作用。 |