美洲豹leopard[英]['lepəd] [美][ˈlɛpəd] 中英文小故事:美洲豹和猎豹 从前,亚马逊神秘的丛林里生活着一个猎豹家族。紧挨着他们的是一个美洲豹家族。虽然都不喜欢对方,但因为没有其他地方可去,他们不得不在原地住下去。他们一直互不往来。可是,有一天,一头叫班吉拉的美洲豹闯进了丛林。恰巧,同一天一头叫杰希卡的猎豹也闯进了丛林,双方不期而遇了。 “嘿,你要到哪里去啊?”杰希卡咕哝着问。 “无可奉告。”班吉拉尖刻地回答。 “伙计,我迷路了。”杰希卡叹着气说。 “是啊,我想我也是迷路了。”班吉拉说。“你知道也许我们应该一起努力,走出丛林,然后回家。” 杰希卡叹口气说:“我可没有这样想,不过,好吧,在天黑之前我们得赶紧行动。” 他们走了好几个小时,突然,迎头碰到了一个仙女。仙女说:“嗨,年轻人。你们两个一离开家我就观察你们。你俩关系不好,我很难过。不过,愿神灵保佑你们。”突然,一束炫目的亮光照在他们身上。仙女接着说:“我已经施了一个法术,你们俩必须形影不离,相距不可超过20英尺,直到你们相爱为止。” —眨眼,仙女飞走了,他们赶忙去追。追赶中,他们跑到一个水塘旁,水塘四周围满了黑豹。黑豹一看见他们就追了过来。于是,班吉拉和杰希卡掉头就跑。后来他们爬上了一棵大树。不一会儿,杰希卡的树枝“啪”的一声断了。眼看杰希卡就要掉下去了,班吉拉用自己的爪子钩住了杰希卡的腿,把她拉了上去。过了一会儿,黑豹就全都走了。 杰希卡说:“谢谢你救了我。” 班吉拉回答说:“我必须这么做。”说完他吻了吻杰希卡的脖子。他们四目相对,坠入了爱河。就在这时,仙女又出现了,她说:“祝贺你们,法术取消了,你们可以分手了。” 杰希卡幸福地说:“我想我们没必要分开了。”说完,她和班吉拉朝自己的新家走去,一个更美好的家。 The Leopard and the Cheetah Once upon a time in the middle of the mystical Amazon jungle lived a family of cheetahs,and next to them lived a family of leopards. They didn’t like each other much, but they had to stay where they were because there was nowhere else to go. Everyday they would completely ignore each other. But then,one day one of the leopards named Bajira leaped off into the jungle. On the same day one of the cheetahs named Jeska sped away into the jungle. Then, they both slammed into each other. “Hey,watch where you’re going?”grunted Jeska. “Sorry,”said Bajira sarcastically. “Man,now I’m lost,”sighed Jeska. “Yeah,I think I am too,” said Bajira. “ You know maybe we should work together to get out of here and back home. “I can’t believe I’m considering this,but okay,”sighed Jeska.“We might want to start moving before dark though. ” Jeska and Bajira were walking for hours. Then, they ran right into a fairy. The fairy started to speak to them. “Hello young dears. I’ve been watching you two since you’ve left your homes. You two don’t get along so well. I m sorry, dears, but god bless you.” A blinding white light hit them. “I just put a spell on you two so you can’t go more than twenty feet from each other until you fall in love.” Suddenly the fairy quickly flew away. As they chased after her,they ran into a pool surrounded by panthers. The panthers started to run at them, so Bajira and Jeska turned to run the opposite direction. Then they jumped into a tree,but the branch Jeska was on snapped. Jeska started to fall. But then Bajira dug his claw into her leg and pulled her up. After a while all the panthers walked away. “Thank you,”said Jeska. “I had to do it,”panted Bajira. Then Bajira licked her on the cheek. They looked at each other and fell in love. All of a sudden the fairy came and said,“Congratulations,you’ve broken the spell. You may leave each other now. “I don’t think we’ll need to,”said Jeska happily and they walked away to a new and better home. 中英文例句 1. Like those of other large predators, leopard seal populations are relatively low. 像其他大型食肉动物一样,豹型海豹种群维持在较低的水平。 2. At an uproar behind us the leopard man turned quietly around. 伴随着我们身后的一阵骚动,豹人默默地转过身去。 3. If this leopard is out here somewhere, it is surely offended by your stepfather's desecration of the silence. 如果这只豹子出现在什么地方,它一定是你的继父对宁静的污辱的触犯。 4. The leopard, which suffered injuries caused by knives and batons, died later in the evening at a veterinary center. 在被刀子与警棍打伤后,这只豹子当晚就死在一个兽医中心。 5. Still in discomfort, bumba vomited up the moon, the stars and then the leopard, the crocodile, the turtle, and finally, humans. 但是bumba仍然觉得不舒服,于是又吐出了月亮,繁星;然后是豹子,鳄鱼,海龟;最后是人类。 |