《神探夏洛克》粉丝们注意啦!在英国朴茨茅斯,很快就会有一座真正的神探夏洛克主题公园啦!公园里不仅将有供乘骑的游乐设施,还会有主演阵容的全息照片。而且,游客可以沿着这个公园一路破解各种谜题,体会破案的激情。 This is possibly the most fantastic, yet incredibly bizarre news Sherlockians could possibly have hoped for as reports have emerged that an actual Sherlock Holmes theme park is in the works with fans of the famous detective being able to play the the crime solver, cracking various puzzles along the way。 对《神探夏洛克》粉丝们来说,这可能是最不可思议又奇妙无比的消息——据报道,一座真正的《神探夏洛克》主题公园正在建设中,大侦探的粉丝们将可以沿着这个公园一路破解各种谜题,体会破案的激情。 But it's going to cost some mega mega bucks and by mega bucks we mean like 25 million for the park which will open in Portmouth – where author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle used to live。 主题公园将要花费数额巨大的资金,这座即将在朴茨茅斯开放的公园大约要花费2500万英镑,作者亚瑟 柯南 道尔曾在朴茨茅斯生活过。 While no official dates have been announced for the fun fair, described as a “world class multimedia experience” will revolve around actual plots with characters including the super sleuth's trusted side kick Dr. Watson and arch enemy Moriaty。 虽然这个趣味主题公园的官方开放日期暂未公布,但是它将重现剧中的真实情节,大侦探的好伙伴华生医生和死敌莫里亚蒂等人物都将出现,这一主题公园被形容为“世界级多媒体体验”。 The park won't just include rides but also holograms of it's leading cast as fans will get the chance to explore dome of the stories’ most famous locations including, of course, Holmes' very own Baker Street. 公园里将不仅拥有供游客乘骑的游乐设施,也会有主演阵容的全息照片。粉丝将有机会对故事里最出名的一些场所一探究竟,其中当然包括福尔摩斯住的贝克街。 Sherlock Holmes has become one of the most iconic characters in British history since Conan Doyle's hero first came to prominence in a series of short stories way back when in 1887. 1887年柯南 道尔的系列短篇故事里,这位主角首次进入人们视线,从那以后,夏洛克 福尔摩斯就成为英国历史上最具代表性的人物之一。 Since then he has gone to be portrayed on screen by Basil Rathbone in the 1939 film series and most recently of course by Robert Downy Jr. and Benedict Cumberbatch。 自此,从贝锡 罗斯本1939年的电影系列,到最近由小罗伯特 唐尼出演的电影、本尼迪克特 康伯巴奇出演的英剧,夏洛克持续被搬上荧屏。 Steve Pitt of the Portsmouth Cultural Partnership – the man behind the madness explained: "It would be very interactive and high quality. There are so many tie-ins around the legacy of Sherlock Holmes being ‘born’ in Portsmouth." 朴茨茅斯文化合作公司的史蒂夫 皮特是提出建设夏洛克主题公园这一疯狂想法的人,他说:“这个公园将会有很强的互动性,保持高质量。夏洛克 福尔摩斯与朴茨茅斯有着千丝万缕的联系,所以我们打算把主题公园建在这里。” Well, Steve will be the first in line if this all goes ahead! Fingers crossed guys! 如果公园建设进展顺利,斯蒂夫将会成为第一个参观者!大家翘首以盼吧! |