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时间:2014-02-28 08:58来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
牛排steak[英][steɪk] [美][stek] 中英文小故事:牛排的价格 汤姆是一家小店铺的店主。他的店位于街道的拐角处,从早晨七点一直开到晚上十一点,店内的商品品种繁多。虽然经营得很辛苦
牛排steak[英][steɪk] [美][stek]


汤姆发现超市里牛排的价格是每磅五美元,于是,他在小店的窗户上贴了一张纸,上面写着“牛排——每磅4. 5美元。”
第二天,超市里牛排的价格降至每磅4. 25美元。汤姆便把广告牌改成“牛排——每磅4美元。”
一小时之后,超市打出新的告示牌,上面写着“牛排每磅3. 75美元。”十分钟后,汤姆小店的告示牌上写着:“牛排——每磅3. 50美元。”
五分钟之后超市又打出了新的广告“牛排每磅 2. 5美元。”不到二十秒,汤姆的告示牌上写道:“牛排 每镑1美元。”
超市的经理穿过街道,冲进汤姆的小店,对汤姆说:“这种降价竞争必须停止,我以每磅四美元的价格进的牛排,现在只卖2. 5美元,我每分钟都在亏本。”
“如果你愿意先停止商品降价,我也会停止降价。”汤姆 对他说。

The Price of Steak
Tom was a shopkeeper. He had a small corner shop. It was open from seven in the morning until eleven at night and sold many different things. Tom worked hard in his shop but he had a good business and he was happy.
Then a supermarket opened across the street. The supermarket was ten times the size of Tom’s shop.
The manager of the supermarket wanted to take Tom’s customers away from him. He found out what Tom’s prices were and then made his lower than Tom’s.
People quickly stopped buying things from Tom’s shop. They bought everything from the supermarket instead. Soon Tom’s business was very bad and he was angry.
“It’s not fair,”Tom thought. “I must do something to teach that supermarket manager a lesson. ”
The price of the steak in the supermarket was five dollars a pound. Tom put a sign in his window, “Steak— S 4. 50 a pound. ”
The next day the price in the supermarket was $ 4. 25 a pound. Tom changed the sign in his window. “Steak— $ 4. 00 a pound. ”
An hour later,the sign in the supermarket said,
“Steak— S 3. 75 a pound.,’ Ten minutes later the sign in Tom’s window said, “Steak- S 3. 50 a pound. ”
Five minutes later the sign in the supermarket said, “Steak - $ 2. 50 a pound. ” Twenty seconds later the sign in Tom’s window said,“Steak— $ 1. 00 a pound. ”
The manager of the supermarket ran across the road into Tom’s shop. “This price cutting must stop,”he said. “Steak is costing me $ 4. 00 a pound. I’m selling it at $ 2. 50 a pound. I'm losing money every minute!”
“I’11 stop cutting all my prices,”Tom said,“if you will stop cutting all yours. ”
The supermarket manager agreed,and the two men shook hands.
Tom smiled. He had not lost any money on the steak. He did not sell steak.

1. I loved roast pork, baked chicken and broiled steak.

2. Steak made from human poop: would you eat it?

3. For now, that something is not exactly fillet steak.

4. There's no classier food than shellfish, except maybe steak soaked in champagne.

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想听取巴菲特(warren buffett)的观点并来一块梦寐以求的牛排?
