聪明clever[英]['klevə(r)] [美][ˈklɛvɚ] 中英文小故事:谁最聪明 从前有一个人,他有三个儿子。他决定让其中最聪明的儿子继承他的财产。他给三个儿子每人一个硬币,让他们去买能够堆满房子里空间的东西。 “这房子太大了。”老大说。 “一枚硬币买不了什么东西啊。”老二说。 老三什么也没说,想了一会儿,笑了笑说:“走,哥哥,我们去市场吧。” 老大买回的是稻草,但是用一枚硬币只能买一点儿。尽管他尽其所能,铺开的稻草也只能盖住房子的一角。 老二买的是沙子,但也只能买到一点儿。他使尽浑身解数,铺开的沙子也只能盖住半个地面。 “你买了什么? ”两个哥哥气呼呼地问老三,“你没买稻草和沙子啊。” “我买了这个。”老三说。 “一根蜡烛! ”他俩叫道,“买根蜡烛有啥用?” “你们瞧!”他说。 他点上蜡烛。顿时,整个房子从一面墙到另一面墙,从房顶到地面,上上下下都被装满了。是用光装满的! “虽然你年纪最小,但确实是最聪明的!”老商人说道。 最终小儿子得到了全部财产。 Which One Is the Cleverest? Once upon a time,there was an old merchant who had three sons. “To whom shall I leave my fortune?” he wondered. “It must be to the cleverest son. But which one is the cleverest?” He called his three sons to him. “ Here is some money,”he told them. “You each must take one coin to buy something that will fill this room. The one who can do this shall have my fortune. ” “It is a big room,”the eldest son said. “One coin will not buy very much,,’ the second son said. But the youngest son said nothing. He thought a while,and then he smiled. “Come,brothers,”he said. “Let us go to the market. ” The eldest son bought straw with his coin. But one coin bought only a bit of straw. Even when he had spread it as much as he could, the straw covered only a corner of the room. The second son bought sand with his coin. But one 中英文例句 1. Both children are not clever. 两个孩子都不聪明。 2. But dr gupta may yet prove a clever choice, for three reasons. 然而有三点理由也许会证明选择古普塔先生是比较聪明的。 3. From a tactical perspective summoning the ghost of roosevelt is a clever move. 战术上来说,还魂罗斯福那一套是挺聪明的一招。 4. Both of thesecarefully worded statements are fodder for clever investigators. 这两份字斟句酌的声明都是聪明的调查者的好料。 5. Foreign and domestic firms have come up with clever ways to deal with local peculiarities. 国外和本土公司都想出了聪明的方法来克服当地的一些特殊情况。 |