事情matter[英]['mætə(r)] [美][ˈmætɚ] 中英文小故事:小事情 有一天,小黄莺前来向鸟王老母鹏告状:“我昨天下了三个蛋,全被一只小耗子叼走了,还咬伤了我。请陛下为我讨回公道。” 小黄莺来得真不是时候,因为这时的老母鹏正在观赏小鸟们的歌舞表演。她不耐烦地说:“你这点小事情算得了什么,竟敢来打扰我!以后你管好自己的蛋吧!” 小黄莺很不满地说:“我是个弱者,总是被别人欺负,还得求陛下作主。” 老母鹏火冒三丈,斥道:“你给我滚开!别在我耳边啰啰嗦嗦的,小心我把你的皮剥了!” 小黄莺一肚子闷气地回家去了。刚到家门口,迎面碰上那只小耗子又在偷吃她今早下的蛋。小黄莺怒火中烧,捡起一根树枝朝小耗子狠狠地掷去,正好击中了小耗子的眼睛。 小耗子感到好像有一枝箭射进了眼睛,疼得要命。于是他紧闭双眼,乱跑乱窜,结果撞进了一只正在酣睡的狮子的鼻孔里。 狮子突然惊醒,不知发生了什么事,立刻乱跑乱窜起来,莽莽撞撞地跳进了湖里。小耗子急忙溜出狮子的鼻孔,往岸边游了过去。 这时正好有一条龙在湖里戏水,被掉进湖里的狮子吓了一跳,便拼命朝天上飞去,无意中撞翻了老母鹏建在山上的一个大鸟窝。窝内的鸟蛋全摔个粉碎。 老母鹏知道后很伤心,向龙兴师问罪:“龙兄,你可知道我那些蛋要多少个年头才下一个?现在全让你撞碎了。我什么时候得罪过你,你竟然对我如此残忍?” 龙说:“有只狮子跳进湖里,把我吓了一跳,我慌张地飞上天空,不小心撞碎了您的蛋,请您原谅!” 于是老母鹏和龙一同去找狮子问个究竟。 狮子照实回答:“有只小耗子钻进了我的鼻孔里,把我吓了一跳,我慌不择路跳进了湖里。请您息怒!”于是他们又一同去找小耗子算帐。 他们找到了小耗子,只见他浑身湿漉漉的,不停地发抖。老母鹏说:“你为什么要钻到狮子的鼻孔里去?老实招来!” 小耗子老老实实地回答:“那是因为小黄莺用树枝打伤了我的眼睛,我疼得闭上眼睛瞎跑,没想到竟钻进了狮子的鼻孔。” 他们又一同去找小黄莺问个清楚。小黄莺对鸟王说:“小耗子三番四次来偷吃我的蛋,我曾请求陛下给我作主,却反被训斥了一顿。我回家时,又遇上小耗子来偷蛋,我才用树枝把他赶跑的。” 老母鹏这才恍然大悟,她后悔当初不该对小黄莺来告状的事置之不理。 A Small Matter One day, a little oriole came to the queen of the birds and complained, “I laid three eggs but a little mouse snatched them away. Moreover, he bit me and hurt me. I beg my queen for justice The little oriole came at the wrong time because the old queen was watching the birds’ dancing show. She said impatiently, “This is a small matter of yours. How dare you come to disturb me! In future, take better care of your eggs!” The little oriole was not satisfied and added, “I am so weak and always bullied by others. I beg my queen for help.” The queen became furious and scolded her, “Get out and stop complaining or I will peel off your skin!” The little oriole was very upset and she left. When she reached home, she caught sight of the little mouse stealing her eggs again. She angrily picked up a stick and threw it hard at the little mouse. It hit the mouse directly in the eye. The little mouse felt as though an arrow had shot into his eye. It was really painful and he closed his eyes as he ran frantically away. Unfortunately, he bumped into the nostril of a sleeping lion. The lion woke up in shock and leapt into a pool nearby. The little mouse escaped from the lion’s nostril and swam to the shore quickly. Now, there happened to be a dragon swimming in the pool. He was frightened by the sudden splash made by the lion and he shot up into the sky. He accidentally knocked down the big nest of the queen of the birds on top of the hill. All the eggs in the nest broke to pieces. The old queen was very sad as she confronted the dragon. “Brother Dragon, do you know how many years it took me to lay those eggs? Now you have destroyed everything. How have I offended you for you to be so cruel to me?” The dragon quickly explained, “A lion dropped into the pool and frightened me. I was so shocked, I flew up into the sky and knocked down all your eggs. Please forgive me!” The old queen and the dragon went to look for the lion to find out the truth. The lion replied honestly, “A little mouse ran into my nostril and woke me up, and I leapt into the pool. Please don’t be angry with me.” Together they went to look for the little mouse. When they found the little mouse, he was very wet and still shivering. The old queen said,“What were you doing in the lion’s nostril? Tell me the truth!” The little mouse said innocently, “That was because the little oriole hurt my eye with a stick. I was in pain and ran frantically with my eyes closed. I did not know that I would bump into the lion’s nostril.” Now they set off to see the little oriole. The little oriole said, “That little mouse kept stealing my eggs and I begged my queen for help. But in return I was scolded. When I reached home, I met this little mouse here stealing my eggs again. So I used a stick to chase him away.” Now, the old queen regretted having ignored the little oriole’s complaint. She should have settled the case even though it was a small matter. Since then, orioles have never built their homes on the ground; they use a safer place up the big trees. 中英文例句 1. The subject matter is hard. 有关物质的课题是艰涩的。 2. Thus the matter was resolved. 问题就这样解决了。 3. This solid matter is then collected. 然后收集到了这种固体物质。 4. Why does all this matter? 为什么这些事情很重要? 5. It is not a matter of discipline. 它不是一个约束的问题。 |