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时间:2014-02-21 08:09来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
麻雀sparrow[英][sprəʊ] [美][ˈspro] 中英文小故事:燕子和麻雀 有一只燕子,把窝搭在屋顶的下面。她的邻居是只麻雀,窝就建在屋檐下面,也就是排水管和屋檐之间的一个小小的空隙。
麻雀sparrow[英]['spærəʊ] [美][ˈspæro]


“我看见了! ”麻雀说,“这是再简单不过了,我还以为你搭窝有什么诀窍呢,这样糊泥谁不会呀!不!这样的小事我不干! ”
燕子一次又一次地飞到湖边,每次回来都衔着一块泥。泥衔够了以后,她又去衔稻草。材料备齐了, 她就开始筑窝了。她先糊上一层泥,一层草,然后又糊上一层泥,又一层草……把窝搭得结结实实。
“我知道,我知道啦!这里头一点儿高明之处也没有! ”麻雀以轻蔑的口吻吱吱喳喳地说。
燕子回答说:“你光知道是没用的,最重要的是 必须付出劳力才能搭成窝啊!如果你搭不成窝,就永远也孵育不出小麻雀来了! ”

The Swallow and the Sparrow
Once there was a swallow who always built her nest beneath the roof. She had a sparrow as her neighbour, who built her nest in a small space by the drainage pipe.
Every year, the swallow laid eggs, incubated them until they hatched, nurtured them and taught them to fly and sing.
However, the sparrow was different altogether. The sparrow also laid quite a number of eggs every year. However, she was unable to raise the chicks because the eggs were often taken away by naughty children before they hatched, or the chicks were all eaten up by cats.
The sparrow was envious of the swallow every time she saw the happy swallow and her family together.
“You are so fortunate,” said the sparrow. “Every year, your eggs are hatched successfully. As for mine, all of them do not survive.”
The swallow replied,“If your nest were built as firm and strong as mine, and at a place not easily accessible to our potential enemies, Fm sure your eggs will be hatched successfully.”
“Teach me how to build the nest then!” the sparrow said excitedly. “You must have known some secrets, or even some special techniques!”
“Actually,there are no special techniques or secrets. All we have to do is to plan before we build the nest. Come with me and I’ll show you my way of doing it.”
The swallow and the sparrow flew to a place beside the lake. “Friend,first get some mud with your beak and follow what I am doing’ The swallow demonstrated as she explained.
Soon the sparrow remarked, “According to what I have observed, building a firm nest is not difficult at all. There are no special techniques too!”
The swallow silently flew back to her home carrying some mud in her beak. She then plastered the mud onto the wall.
“You do the same as I do!” said the swallow to the sparrow.
“I saw it,” said the sparrow. “This is so simple, and I thought that you must have some special techniques when you build your nest! Who does not know how to plaster mud the way you do? But I am definitely not going to be involved in this unimportant and tedious work!”
The swallow flew to the side of the lake repeatedly. Every time she flew back to her home, she carried some mud with her. After the required amounts of mud were collected, she started bringing in some dried straw. As soon as all the materials were ready, the swallow began shaping the nest. First, she plastered a layer of mud. Then she added the straw,and another layer of mud, followed by another layer of straw. The work continued until a firm and strong nest was completed.
The warm-hearted swallow said to the sparrow patiently, “This is how a good nest can be built. This nest will be very cosy and comfortable.”
“I know it all,nothing brilliant here!” the sparrow blurted scornfully. However, she never did any better because she did not try out what she had been taught by the swallow.


1. Sparrow, won't you fly down south by me?

2. Researchers compared white-crowned sparrow songs recorded in 1969 and 2005.

3. The adaptable sparrow, however, simply changed its tune.

4. No one, however, could outdo the sparrow tsar, or so you might think.

5. Compared to the ballooning ecb balance sheet, the boj's ten trillion yen of new asset purchases are little more than "the tears of a sparrow".
