那么如何用英语来表达自己“属……”呢?首先还是把十二生肖的英语梳理一遍: 鼠 Rat (/Mouse) 牛 Ox 虎 Tiger 兔 Rabbit (/Hare) 龙 Dragon 蛇 Snake 马 Horse 羊 Goat (/Ram/Sheep) 猴 Monkey 鸡 Rooster 狗 Dog 猪 Boar (/Pig) 如果要说“我属马”,那就是: I was born in the Year of the Horse。 I was born under the Year of the Horse。 介词用in或under都可以。 "马年是我的本命年"英语怎么说? 而按照中国的属相,我是属马的,今年是我的本命年。 Since I am a Horse in the Chinese horoscope, this is my year。 |