一个月色皎洁的夜晚,一只狐狸正悄悄潜入农夫的鸡棚。当看见一只公鸡趴在它抓不到的很髙的地方睡觉时,狐狸就大叫起来:“好消息!好消息!”公鸡问:“什么好消息?” “狮子大王刚宣布天下太平,从此,再没有鸟儿会受到野兽的攻击,大伙儿从今往后可一起相处,亲如一家。” “哦,这可是个好消息。”公鸡说,“我看见有谁走过来了,我们可以把这个好消息也告诉它。”说着,公鸡伸长了脖子,望着远处。 “看见什么啦? ”狐狸问道。 “哦,只是我主人家的狗来了,怎么这么快。”狐狸一听公鸡的话,转身就走。 公鸡接着说,“你不想同狗分享这个天下太平的好消息吗?” “我非常乐意,”狐狸答道,“但恐怕它还没听到狮子大王的法令呢。” The Fox f the Cock and the Dog One moonlight night a fox was prowling about a farmer’s hen-coop, and saw a cock roosting high up beyond his reach. “Good news, good news!” he cried. “Why, what is that?” said the cock. “ King lion has declared a universal truce. No beast may hurt a bird henceforth, but all shall dwell together in brotherly friendship. ’’ “Why, that is good news, ” said the cock,u and there I see some one coming, with whom we can share the good tidings. ’’And so saying he craned his neck forward and looked afar off. “What is it you see?”said the fox. “It is only my masters dog that is coming towards us. What,going so soon?”he continued,as the fox began to turn away as soon as he had heard the news. “ Will you not stop and congratulate the dog on the reign of universal peace?” “I would gladly do so,”said the fox,“but I fear he may not have heard of king lion’s decree. ” |