你也许听说过孙大信的故事,他是印度的一位著名的基督教信徒,后来成为了一名传道士。 有一天,孙大信和一个和尚一起走在前往一座修道院的陡峭的山路上。刺骨的冷风吹透他们单薄的衣服,暴风雪威胁着他们的生命。“我们必须走快点儿,天就快黑了。”那个和尚说,“天气太糟了,如果再变坏一点,我俩很快就会被冻死了。” 突然他们听到呼救的喊声。在他们面前大约20英尺地方的雪地里,有一个模糊的人影。孙大信说:“我们必须去帮忙。”和尚说:“我们帮不了。”于是和尚继续朝前走,他的同伴,基督教的皈依者,坚持要帮那个摔倒的兄弟。(注:基督教义里,教徒都是姊妹兄弟。) 如果他一定要死,他情愿死于救人。躺在雪地里的是一个男人,一条腿摔断了,于是这个基督徒用他的毛毯做了一条吊索,像一群狗拉雪橇一样拖着那个垂死的人。最后,他终于看到了修道院闪烁的灯光。现在他确定他会走到修道院。 突然,他踉跄了一下,摔在被雪掩埋的什么东西上面。他扒开积雪,看到了那个和尚僵硬的尸体。 Helping Others Saved My Life You may know the story of Sadhu Sundar Singh, a well-known convert who became a missionary in India. One day, Sadhu Sundar Singh and a Buddhist monk were traveling up a steep mountain on their way to a monastery. A blizzard threatened their lives as the chilly, icy winds blew through their thin clothes. “We must hurry because darkness is falling, ’the monk said. “The weather is bad and if it gets any worse we will soon freeze to death. ” Suddenly they heard a cry for help. About twenty feet in front of them was the dim form of someone lying in the snow. “We must help,”Sadhu exclaimed. “We can- not help, said the monk. So the monk went on while his companion,the Christian convert,insisted on helping his fallen brother. If He must die, he would die saving someone. The figure in the snow was a man with a broken leg, so the Christian made a sling out of his blanket and dragged the dying man like a team of dogs pulling a sled. Finally he saw the blinking lights of the monastery. Nov he was sure he could make it. Suddenly he stumbled and fell over something hidden beneath the snow. He brushed off the white powder and saw the frozen body of the Buddhist monk. |