As the former capital of the Yuan, Ming and Qing empires, Beijing's temples have hundreds of years of religious traditions and public entertainment. You can expect special entertainment such as martial arts displays or lion and dragon dances, special sales, and festival foods at the festival fairs at Ditan Temple, Longtan Temple and Dongyue Temple.
作为元朝、明朝和清朝的前首都,北京的庙会拥有延续了上百年的宗教传统和公众活动。你可以期待一些特色活动像是武术或者舞狮舞龙表演、大甩卖以及地坛庙会、龙潭庙会和东岳庙会上的美食。 春节的亮点是烟火、庙会和体育比赛。
Temple Praying and Ringing 庙会撞钟祈福
If you prefer Chinese style, go visit Shanghai's temples where locals will be praying and ringing bells for good luck in the coming year. Big events take place in major temples like Longhua Temple, City God Temple and Jing'an Temple. People pay big money to ring the bell and burn "the first incense" at the strike of midnight. 如果你更喜欢中式一点,可以去上海的寺庙,本地人将会在那里祈祷并敲钟以祈求来年的好运。盛大些的活动一般在主要的寺庙举行,例如龙华庙、城隍庙和静安寺。人们会花很大的价钱在正午时敲钟以及烧第一柱香。 |