在中国有一个古老的传说,讲的是一位正经历丧子之痛的妇人。在悲痛欲绝之时,她求助于一位圣贤之士:“请您赐予我灵验的咒语,让我的独生子起死回生吧!” 圣人没有打发她走,也没有长篇大论,只是淡淡地说:“到一个不知悲伤的人家去,给我取一粒芥末种子。有了它你就可以忘记忧伤。”闻听此言,这位母亲立刻上路,去寻找那粒神奇的芥末种子。 她去的第一家是一座富丽堂皇的豪宅。她敲了敲门,问道:“我正在找不知悲伤的一家人,是这儿吗?找到你们对我很重要。”他们告诉她:“你肯定找错地方了。”然后开始滔滔不绝地给她讲述最近降临在他们家的所有不幸。这个妇女自言自语道:“亲身经历了伤痛,我比别人更适合帮助和安慰这家人。他们的不幸才令人伤心呢。” 她待在那儿安慰他们一番,然后继续寻找不知悲伤的一家。但是无论她走到哪儿,客栈还是其他地方,她听到的总是没完没了的悲伤和不幸的遭遇。这个妇人忙于帮别人解除痛苦以致全然忘却了自己的忧伤。她渐渐明白,正是寻找神奇的芥末种子的过程驱散了她心头的伤痛。 Magical Mustard Seed There is an old Chinese tale about a woman whose only son died. In her grief, she went to the holy man and asked,“What magical incantations do you have to bring my son back to life?” Instead of sending her away or reasoning with her, he said to her,44 Fetch me a mustard seed from a home that has never known sorrow. We will use it to drive the sorrow out of your life. ”The woman went off at once in search of that magical mustard seed. She came first to a splendid mansion,knocked at the door,and said,“ I am looking for a home that has never known sorrow. Is this the place? It is very important to me. They told her,“you’ve certainly come to the wrong place” and began to describe all the tragic things that recently had be fallen them. The woman said to herself,“Who is better able to help these poor, unfortunate people than I, who have had misfortune of my own?” She stayed to comfort them,and then went on in search of a home that had never j ii known sorrow. But wherever she turned, in hotels and in other places, she found one A after another of sadness and misfortune. The woman became so involved in helping others cope with their sorrows that she eventually let go of her own. She later come to understand that it was the quest to find the magical mustard seed that drove away her suffering. |