狮子看见胖墩墩的马,很想从它的身上咬一口肉吃,却又不知道怎样才能使对方听任自己的摆布。后来经过认真的思考,狮子决定冒充一位曾周游列国且见多识广的医生,并吹嘘说自己对于百兽容易患上的各类病症包治包好。 狮子原本希望用这套谎话骗取信任,使自己更容易地混进牲口的队伍,然后再找机会实施自己的计划。不料,那匹胖墩墩的马却看穿了狮子的用心,决定将计就计教训它一顿。于是,马就装作没有起半点疑心,对狮子说自己的脚上扎了根刺疼痛难忍,走路还一拐一拐的,并请求狮子给它提供治疗意见。 狮子听后马上就同意了,并说先要看看那只脚。于是,马就踮起一条腿来, 待狮子一本正经地装作在仔细査看时,就猛地一脚踢在狮子的脸上,踢得狮子瘫倒在地昏死过去。与此同时,马因为击败了别人想要置它于死地的诡计,而高兴地嘶叫着,大笑着离开了。 以眼还眼,以牙还牙。现实生活中,虽然人应以诚为本,但有时弱者要运用智慧来击敗那些伤害自己的阴谋。 The Horse and the Lion A lion, seeing a fine plump nag, had a great mind to eat a bit of him, but did not know how to get him into his power. At last he bethought to make himself out as a physician,who having gained experience by his travels into foreign countries had made himself capable of curing any kind of malady incident to any kind of beast. He hoped by this means to get an easier admittance among the cattle and find an opportunity to carry out his design. The horse who saw through his plan was resolved to be even with him. So, humoring the tiling as if he suspected nothing,he prayed the lion to give him his advice about a thorn he had got in his foot which quite lamed him and gave him great pain and uneasiness. The lion readily agreed and asked to see the foot,upon which the horse lifted up one of his legs and while the lion pretended to be poring earnestly over his foot, gave him such a kick in the face as quite stunned him,and left him sprawling upon the ground. In the meantime the horse trotted away, neighing and laughing merrily at the success of the trick,by which he had defeated the purpose of one who had intended to trick him out of his life. |