一只鸢在房子周围飞来飞去已有好多天,它好几次都想抓住鸽子,但都扑空了,因为鸽子比它还灵活。 最后,鸢决定用计智取。有一天,鸢借机向鸽子阐明自己正义的意向,表达了自己努力想保卫鸽子们自古以来就享有的权利和待遇。而且声明说,它最关心的就是鸽子对外来入侵的恐惧和疑虑,特别是鸽子对自己不公正的无端猜疑。 它认为,为保证鸽子们的安全,最好的办法就是双方签订结盟性的条约,这样还可以使双方的良好关系永远持续下去。但其中基本的一条就是:鸽子们应当认鸢为王,让鸢享有王者的一切特权以及统治它们的权力。可怜而单纯的鸽子们同意了。鸢在加冕礼上庄严地宣誓,而鸽子也宣誓会忠诚、诚实。 但是没过多久,这只“善良”的鸢便卢称,自己王权中还有的一条就是:只要它高兴,随时都可以吞吃一只鸽子。鸽子一听它们落到了这种可悲的境地,只能彼此说道:“唉,我们只配如此!为什么我们让它进来呢?” 不要轻信"善良"的宣言。述惑于花言巧语,最终吃亏的是自己。 The Kite and the Pigeons A kite,who kept sailing in the air for many days near a house,had made several attempts to catch the pigeons. But all to no purpose, for they were too nimble for him. At last he took recourse to stratagem,and took his opportunity one day to make a declaration to them,in which he set forth his own just and good intentions. How he had nothing more at heart than the defense and protection of the pigeons in their ancient fights and privileges,and how concerned he was for their fears and jealousies of a foreign invasion, and especially for their unjust and unreasonable suspicions of himself. To prevent all this and thoroughly to quiet their minds, he thought proper to propose to them such terms of alliance and articles of peace as might forever cement a good understanding between them. The principle of which was, that they should accept Him for their king, and invest him with all kingly privileges and fights over them. The poor simple pigeons consented. The kite took the coronation oath with a very solemn manner on his part,and the doves took the oaths of allegiance and fidelity on their part. But not much time had passed over their heads before the good kite pretended that it was part of his kingly rights to devour a pigeon whenever he pleased. The pigeons ,reduced to this miserable condition, said one to another,“ Ah ! We deserve no better! Why did we let him come in?” |