阿布•阿里在集市上买了九头驴。他骑上第一头驴说:“驾!"这头驴跑起来,其他的几头紧随其后。 "现在,我的驴子都在这里吗?"他自言自语道。 他转过头开始数:"一、二、三、四、五、六、七、八——八头驴!” 他从驴上跳下来。树丛后,灌木丛后,他都看了,可是都没有找到最后一头驴。 "我要再数一次,”他自言自语道,"一、二、三、四、五、六、七、八、九——九头驴!"阿布•阿里赶紧爬上驴。"驾!我很快就带着刚买的九头驴到家了。” "得得得……嗒嗒嗒……得得得……嗒嗒嗒……” "我现在有几头驴呢?"他数了数还是八头!他再次从驴上跳下来,看看岩石后面,山顶上,还是没有。但是这时他回头一看他的驴——九头驴! 阿布•阿里自言自语道:"我到家的时候是九头驴还是八头驴呢?” 这时,他看见朋友穆莎正向他这边走来。于是他大喊道:"穆莎,帮帮我呀!我总是少一头驴子。现在我有九头驴,但每当我骑上一头驴时——就这样——只有八头驴了!" 穆莎听后大笑起来:“八头驴还是九头驴?怎么会呢,我明明看见十头驴呀。” “十头驴?你看见的十头驴在哪里?” “我看见你骑着一头驴,还看见你骑的这头驴后面跟着八头驴。”穆莎禁不住大笑。 阿布•阿里说道:“噢,我正骑在第九头驴上呢!但是你说看见十头驴。” “这第十头驴就是坐在你驴上的那头,"穆莎说道,“他的名字就叫阿布•阿里!” Abu Ali Counts His Donkey Abu Ali bought nine donkeys at the fair. He climbed on the first donkey, “Whr-r-r- r!” said Abu Ali. The donkey began to trot, and the other donkeys followed. “Now,” said Abu Ali, “are all my donkeys here?” He turned around and counted, “One-two-three-four-five-six-seven-eight. Eight don keys ! ” Abu Ali jumped down from his donkey. He looked behind trees, behind bushes. No donkey. “I will count again,” he said, “one-two-three-four-five-six-seven-eight-nine. Nine donkeys!,’ Abu Ali climbed back on his donkey. “Whr-r-r-r! Soon I will be home with my nine new donkeys.,’ CLIP, CLAPPETY-CLOP. CLIP, CLAPPETY-CLOP. “Now how many donkeys do I have?” Abu Ali counted Eight donkeys! He jumped down from his donkey. He looked behind rocks, over hilltops. No donkey. But when he turned around—Nine donkeys! “When I get home,” said Abu Ali, “will I have nine donkeys, or will I have eight?” Abu Ali saw his friend Musa coming up the road, “Help me, my friend Musa!” he cried, “I keep losing a donkey. Now I have nine. But when I climb on my donkey—like this—I have only eight donkeys!” Musa laughed. “Eight donkeys? Nine donkeys? Why, I see ten donkeys.,’ “Ten donkeys?” said Abu Ali, “Where do you saw ten donkeys?” “I see eight donkeys following your donkey. I see the donkey you are sitting on. ” Musa could not stop laughing. “Oh!” said Abu Ali. “I am sitting on the ninth donkey! But you said you saw ten. ” “The tenth donkey is the donkey sitting on YOUR donkey,” Musa said. “Its name is Abu Ali!” |