托尼是个很淘气的孩子。有一天,他跟妈妈撒谎了。那天晚上,他感到很不开心,不想和其他小朋友一起玩,而是独自坐在门前的台阶上。他抬起头,看到空中的月亮又大又圆。他想:月亮在鄙视我呢,因为它知道我说谎了。 他沿着马路跑下去,想摆脱月亮。可它却一直跟着他。托尼爬上楼,上了床,但是月亮从窗外看着他。他用床单蒙住头,可还是睡不着。他只好爬到了床底下,躺在黑暗中,一遍遍地 想着他说的谎话。 最后,他决定把说谎的事告诉妈妈。托尼把事情的真相告诉了妈妈,并保证以后再也不撒谎了,妈妈原谅了他。托尼回到床上,不久就睡熟了。他梦到月亮冲他微笑呢。 Tony’s Lie Tony was a very bad boy. One day he told a lie to his mother. That night he felt very unhappy. He did not want to play with the other children. He sat on the doorstep alone. He looked up in the sky and saw the big round moon. He thought that it was looking down upon him, because it knew about the lie. He ran down the street to get away from it, but it kept following him. Then he crept into the house and went to bed, but the moon looked at him through the window. He pulled the sheet over his head, but he could not sleep. Then he crawled under the bed and lay there in the dark. He thought and thought about the lie. At last he decided to tell his mother all about it. He told her the truth and promised never to tell a lie again. His mother forgave him. He went back to bed and was soon fast asleep. He dreamed that the moon smiled down upon him. |