一位年老的妇人提着一个脏兮兮的袋子走进了曼哈顿银行的大厅。她来到最近的咨询台,放下包,说:"我想存一笔钱。但是在此之前我想见一下你们的行长。" 银行职员正要说根本不可能让她见行长,但是,迅速数了袋子里的钱之后,他发现袋子里至少有300万美元!他被这笔巨款震惊了,于是给行长办公室打电话把情况汇报给了行长秘书,秘书又汇报给了行长。然后有人把老妇人引领到行长办公室并介绍给了行长。 行长想知道老妇人是怎么弄到这么大一笔钱的。“你炒股票吗?"他问。"不。”“那你赌马?"“不……实际上,我确实赌……但是我更愿意把赌注下在人身上。”‘‘我明白了。”行长说。 “那么,”老妇人继续说,"实际上,我要在你身上下25000美元的赌注,赌你到明天上午9点会失去所有的头发!”行长觉得自己不会输掉这场打赌,就对老妇人说:“我跟你打这个赌。”然后他和老妇人握手告别。 那一天接下来的时间里行长都非常小心,晚上也不出门,以避免任何危险。第二天早上洗澡时,他检查了全身,发现一切完好无损,就哼着歌去上班了。 9点整,老妇人又被人领到了行长办公室,这次有一位穿着体面的先生跟她一起。老妇人解释说:“这是我的代理人巴特比先生。我下大赌注时总会带他一起。” 行长跟律师打过招呼之后说:"呃,虽然我很不愿意这样说,可是,我跟昨天毫无两样,只是比昨天多拥有了25000美元!" 老妇人要求证明一下他说的是不是真的。想到就要赢得一笔巨款了,行长同意老妇人用手拽拽他的头发。这时,那位代理人开始用头猛撞行长的桌子。 “他怎么了?”行长问道。 “噢,他呀,”老妇人说,"我昨天跟他打赌,说今天上午9点10分的时候我会拽曼哈顿银行行长的头发。赌注是10万美元。” The President’s Hair A rather elderly lady with a soiled bag walked into the main office of the Manhattan Bank. She went to the nearest teller's window, plunked down the bag and said,“ I wish to make a deposit,but beforehand I’d like to meet with the President of the bank. ” The clerk was about to explain that this was quite impossible, when a quick count showed there were over 3 million dollars in cash in the sack! Flabbergasted at the amount, he called the President’s office and explained the situation to his secretary who relayed it to her boss. The old lady was ushered upstairs into the President's office and introductions were made. Wondering how this old lady had come by such a tidy sum, the President inquired, “Are you in the stock market?” “No.” “Play the horses then...?” “No. Actually I do wager... but I prefer to bet on people.,,“I see,” said the President. “Yes,,,continued the old lady, “as a matter of fact, I will wager you $25,000 dollars that by tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock you will loose all your hair!” Speculating that he could not possibly lose the bet, the President said, “I’ll have to take you up on that one!” He and the old lady shook hands and parted. The President was very careful the rest of the day and did not go out that evening to avoid any risk. The next morning as he was showering, he checked himself and all was as it should be. He went to work humming! At exactly 9 o'clock the old lady was again shown into the President's office only this time accompanied by a distinguished looking gentleman in an expensive suit. The woman explained, “This is Mr. Barteby, my attorney. I always bring him along when dealing in large sums. ” The President acknowledged the lawyer and then said, “Well, I hate to tell you this, but I am the same as yesterday, only $25,000 richer!” The old lady asked for proof, and in light of the sum involved, the President agreed to allow the old lady to grasp his hair with her hands. At this point the attorney started to bang his head against the President’s desk with vigor. “What's wrong with him?” asked the President. “Oh him,” said the woman, “I bet him $100,000 yesterday that by 9:10 tomorrow I would have the President of Manhattan Bank by the hair!” |