老师宣布说:“今天的题目是用一种鸟来描述你们的妈妈,然后告诉我为什么用这种鸟。”她让孩子们想了一会儿,然后问他们的答案是什么。 凯利坐在前面,第一个说道:“我的妈妈像一只天鹅,因为她皮肤很白,而且举止优雅。” "谢谢你,凯利。”老师说,然后继续问其他同学。 鲍贝说:"我的妈妈像一只鹳,因为她总是生孩子。我有7个哥哥和3个姐姐。" “谢谢你,鲍贝。”老师说,然后继续问其他的学生。 最后只剩下小强尼一个人了。因此老师最后问他:“强尼,什么鸟和的妈妈最像啊?” 小强尼尖声说道:"画眉!" 老师想她会得到一个令人满意的答案,于是问道:“为什么是画眉呢?” 小强尼回答说:“因为她很烦人!” Little Johnny The teacher announces, “The topic of the day is to describe your mother as a bird, and tell me why. ” She leaves the kiddies for a short while and then asks them their answers. Kelly at the front goes first, “My Mummy's like a swan, because she’s white and elegant. ” “Thank you, Kelly,” says the teacher, and she continues going around the class. Bobby says, “My Mummy's like a stork, because she has babies and babies, and I have 7 brothers and 3 sisters. ” "Thank you, Bobby,” says the teacher, and continues with the other students. Finally there is no one left but Little Johnny, so the teacher finally asks him. “Johnny, what bird most resembles your mother?” Little Johnny pipes up with “A thrush”. The teacher, thinking she may finally have a decent answer, asks, “Why is that?” Little Johnny replies, “Because she’s irritating!” |