一对恋人决定结婚了。随着婚期这一重要日子的临近,他们变得不安起来。因为两个人都有难言之隐,他们从来没有向别人提起过,甚至连对方都没有说过。准新郎克服了恐惧,决定征求父亲的意见。他说:“父亲,我非常担心我的婚姻以后会不会成功。我爱未婚妻,非常爱她,可是,我有非常难闻的脚臭,我怕未来的妻子会被我的臭脚吓倒。” “不用担心,"父亲说,"你要尽可能经常洗脚,不脱袜子,就算是睡觉也要穿着袜子,这样就可以了。"这看来倒是一个可行的办法。 准新娘也克服了恐惧,向母亲请教。她说:“妈妈,我早上醒来的时候呼出的气味难闻极了。" “亲爱的,”母亲安慰道,“早上大家呼出的气味都很难闻。” “不,你不懂。我的太难闻了,我担心我的丈夫会不想和我在一个房间里睡觉。" 母亲说得很简单:“这样试试吧。早上起床后直接进浴室刷牙。关键是在刷牙前一句话也不要说,一个字也别说。”母亲强调说。准新娘觉得这倒是值得一试。这对有情人终于举行了盛大的仪式,结婚了。两人都牢牢记着各自得到的建议,丈夫一直穿着袜子,妻子早上刷牙前从不说话。他们相处得很好。结婚六个月后,一天早上天刚刚亮,丈夫突然惊醒,发现自己一只脚上的袜子不见了。他非常害怕事情的后果,疯狂地在床上找他的袜子。这自然吵醒了新娘。她不假思索地问道:“你到底在干什么?”丈夫吃惊得透不过气来。“哦,不要!”他说,“你吞掉了我的袜子!" The Newlyweds A young couple decided to wed. As the big day approached, they grew apprehend-sive. Each had a problem they had never before shared with anyone, not even each other. The groom-to-be, overcoming his fear, decided to ask his father for advice. “Father,he said, “I am deeply concerned about the success of my marriage. I love my fiancee, very much, but you see, I have very smelly feet, and I’m afraid that my future wife will be put off by them.,’ “No problem,” said dad, “all you have.to do is to wash your feet as often as possible, and always wear socks, even to bed.Well, to him this seemed a workable solution. The bride-to-be, overcoming her fear, decided to take her problem up her mom. “Mom,” she said, “When I wake up in the morning my breath is truly awful. ’’ “Honey,” her mother consoled, “everyone has bad breath in the morning. " “No, you don’t understand. My morning breath is so bad, I’m afraid that my new husband will not want to sleep in the same room with me. ” Her mother said simply, “Try this. In the morning, get straight out of bed, and head for the bathroom and brush your teeth. The key is, not to say a word until you've brushed your teeth. Not a word,,,her mother affirmed. Well, she thought it was certainly worth a try. The loving couple was finally married in a beautiful ceremony. Not forgetting the advice each had received, he with his perpetual socks and she with her morning silence, they managed quite well. That was, until about six months later. Shortly before dawn, the husband woke with a start to find that one of his socks had come off. Fearful of the consequences, he frantically searched the bed. This, of course, woke his bride and without thinking, she immediately asked, “What on earth are you doing?” “Oh, no!” he gasped in shock, “You've swallowed my sock!” |