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时间:2013-12-28 09:27来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
隋朝宰相杨素,非常喜欢听笑话,经常邀请一些文人到他的府上给他讲笑话,通常一讲就是一天,令这些文人都感到筋疲力尽。有一天傍晚,一位文人在宰相府里挨了一天,就要离开的时候,遇见了杨素的儿子杨选。杨选拦住文人,非要他讲个笑话才让他走。文人于是讲道:“从前有一只老虎在野外觅食。他看到一只刺猬躺在那里晒太阳,以为那是一大块肉。老虎正要咬一口,刺猬蜷缩成了一个刺球,扎在了老虎的鼻子上。老虎顿时觉得疼痛难忍,使尽全身力气拼命跑啊跑啊,最后失去知觉昏了过去。他醒来时,刺猬已经不见了。老虎来到一棵橡树下,看到带刺的橡子,吓得要命。老虎说道:‘早上我已经见过令尊了,请放过我吧。” 杨选听了故事不禁笑起来,让文人走了。

I Had Met Your Father
Yang Su, the prime minister of the Sui Dynasty, was very fond of jokes. He always invited some scholars to his house to tell jokes for him. And usually that would last a day. It made those scholars very exhausted. One day, at dusk, as a scholar who had suffered a lot was just going to leave Yang’s house, he encountered Yang Xuan, the son of Yang Su. Yang Xuan didn’t let him go unless the scholar told him a joke. The scholar said, “Once there was a tiger hunting for food in the wildness. When he saw a hedgehog lying under the sun on its back, he thought it was big meat. As soon as the tiger tried his teeth on it, the hedgehog contracted into a thorny ball and hung on the tiger’s nose. The tiger felt so painful that he ran around the wildness with all the strength he had. At last, he fell unconscious. When he woke up, the hedgehog had gone. But when he went down the oak tree and saw the thorny oak fruit, he was very frightened. The tiger said, ‘I had met your father in the morning, please let me go. ’’ After Yang Xuan heard this story, he burst into laughters, and let the scholar go.
