从前有一对夫妇,很想要一个孩子。妻子太希望有个孩子了,一天天变得悲伤起来。 有一天丈夫下海捕鱼,忽然发现一只海豹宝宝困在海滩上。他抱起小海豹,用毯子包好,回家后迫不及待地向妻子展示他的新发现。"快看!快看!我发现了什么?”渔夫向妻子喊道,“我在海边发现了一只海豹宝宝……" 妻子揭开毯子看到了一个小孩。“哦,这正是我日夜想要的!”渔夫却惊呆了,因为他记得抱回来的是一只小海豹。"我给你起名叫……灰鲮,因为你长着灰色的眼睛和灰色的皮肤。"妇人说道。 年复一年,这对老夫妇把孩子养大了,但是从来没有告诉过他那天晚上发生的事情。灰鲮长大了,每当他站在海边看潮涨潮落时,都在想自己到底是从哪里来的。 有一天渔夫落海了,马上就要被淹死,但是没有人能救他。 "救命啊!救救我!求求你们了!”渔夫大声叫道。 "谁能救救他啊!求求你们了!”他的妻子喊道。 镇上所有的人都退缩了,他们也害怕大海的威力。 “我去救他。”灰鲮说。 "不,你不行,你太小了……”妇人说道。她拥抱并吻了下儿子,还没等她再说什么,灰鲮就一头扎进了海里。 灰鲮潜入大海深处,他穿的衣服开始撕裂,脱落,他变成了一头海豹。他把爸爸救上岸,然后游回了海里,自由自在地遨游。镇上的人看到这些都惊呆了。老妇人因为失去儿子伤心了好长时间。但自从离开父母后,灰鲮每一年都会在同一天同一时间同一地点从海里回来看望父母。老夫妇也就觉得很欣慰了。 Greyling Long ago, there lived a man and his wife who wanted a child earnestly. The woman wanted a child so earnestly that she grew very sad day by day. One day the man went to the ocean to fish and suddenly he found in the sand a baby seal stranded on the beach. The man picked up the seal and wrapped it in a blanket. Then he went home to show his wife what he had found. “Look! Look! Look what I have found!” shouted the man to his wife, “ I have found a baby seal down by the sea and ...” The woman unwrapped the blanket and saw that it was a child. “Oh that is what I wanted so earnestly. ’’ The old man stood stiff because he thought that the child was a seal. “I will name you ... Greyling,because of your gray eyes and skin tone,” said the woman. Years in and years out, the old couple brought up the child and they never told him what had happened that night. Greyling grew up and always wondered about where he really came from when standing by the sea and watching the sea waves back-and-forth. One day the fisherman fell into the sea and almost drowned but no one would help him. “Help! Help me! Please! ” yelled the fisherman. “Won’t someone help him please, please!” shouted his wife. All the townspeople backed away because they also feared about the great sea's draft. “I will save him," said Greyling. “No you can't, you are too young... ’’said the woman. She hugged and kissed him and before she could say more he dived into the sea. As Greyling diving down, he began to break and lose his clothing and turned into a seal. He saved his father and swam back into the ocean to be free. The townspeople watched and were all astonished. The woman mourned for a long time of her loss. But every year since his leave Greyling would come back from the sea to see his parents the same day, time, and place. The couple felt happy because of that! |