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时间:2013-12-26 15:29来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
托尼听说在临近的山谷新开办了一所学校。他从来没有去过学校,很想知道学校到底是什么样子。一大早托尼就出发,步行二十英里去看个究竟。 托尼发现自己很喜欢学校。他发现若把

How It Snowed Fur in Western Virginia?
One day Tony heard that a school had been started over in the next valley. Never having been in a school, Tony was anxious to see what it looked like. Early one morning he set out to walk the twenty miles to take a look.
Tony found he liked the school right well. He found that by stretching his legs a little more than usual, he could soon take some mighty big steps. Before he was through, he could take a step of almost a quarter of a mile. Along with finding a few short cuts, Tony was able to get to school in jig time.
One day when he was moseying to school, he saw two big mountain lions—he called them painters—one on each side of the path. “They’ll be looking for trouble and I don’t want to be it.” Tony thought. Then he had an idea. “Sic ’em! Sic ’em!” he cried.
Immediately the two big cats flew at each other. As they tussled they kept jumping higher and higher. Soon they were jumping as high as Tony's head.
“Sic ’em! Sic ’em!” Tony yelled again.
This time the two painters jumped as high as the trees and fought harder than ever.
After school Tony used the same path, keeping a sharp eye out for the painters. They were not to be seen but as he drew near the place where he had seen them last, bits of fur began to float down from the sky. “That’s strange,” thought Tony, “where can this be coming from?"
Tony looked all around and then saw a fleecy cloud from which the fur seemed to be coming. “Why,those painters have jumped so high that they landed in the clouds. ” he cried.
And that’s exactly what happened. And that's the reason it snowed fur in western Virginia.