伟大的禅师本泽有很多学生。一天,他的一个学生偷东西被其他学生逮住了。学生们把这件事告诉了本泽,但他并没有处置这个男孩。 几天之后,那个男孩偷东西又被抓住了。这次,本泽还是什么也没做。这让其他的学生很生气,他们联名请求赶走那个学生。他们还扬言,如果那个学生继续留下的话,他们将一起离开。 老师召集学生一起开会。学生们到齐之后,他说:“你们都是好孩子,能够明辨是非。你们离开这儿也可以毫不费力地进入其他学校。但是你们的兄弟怎么办呢?他连是非都分不清。如果我不教他,谁来教他呢?不,我不会让他走的,即使这意味着要失去你们所有人。”眼泪从偷东西的男孩的脸上滑落下来。他再也没偷过东西。后来,他因诚实而著名。 Right Move The great Zen teacher, Benzei had many pupils. One day, one of them was caught stealing by his fellow-students and they reported him to Benzei. But he took no action a- gainst the boy. A few days later the same boy was again caught stealing. And again Benzei did nothing. This angered the other students who drew up a petition asking for the dismissal of the thief. They threatened to leave if the boy was allowed to stay. The teacher called a meeting of the students. When they had assembled he said to them, “you are good boys who know what is right and what is wrong. If you leave you will have no trouble in joining some other school. But what about your brother who does not even know the difference between right and wrong? Who will teach him if I don’t? No, I cannot ask him to go even if it means losing all of you. ” Tears coursed down the cheeks of the boy who had stolen. He never stole again and in later life became renowned for his integrity. |