村民们都很高兴,因为一位会表演魔法的高僧来到了他们的村子。每天早上和傍晚,村民们都会聚集到庙里,带着专门准备的美味佳肴,作为供品献给高僧。 泰纳里•拉曼听到这个消息,感到其中有诈。他来到寺庙,坐在圣人旁边。高僧开始念梵文。令拉曼吃惊的是,他一遍一遍地重复着同一首梵文。 拉曼意识到他是个骗子。突然,他探下身去,拔了圣人一络胡子。 “我找到了去天堂的钥匙!"他欣喜若狂地喊道。村民们大吃一惊。 "这位高僧太伟大了,如果我能随身带着他的胡须,就会永远得到庇佑的!”拉曼说。 立刻,村民们争先恐后地冲上去扯高僧的胡子。惊慌失措的高僧逃命去了,以后再也没有人听说过他。 The Key to Heaven The villagers were delighted. A sadhu who performed miracles, had come to their village. Every morning and eve¬ning they would gather at the temple with specially prepared delicacies as offerings to the sadhu. When Tenali Raman heard of this, he smelt a rat. He went to the temple and sat near the holy man. The sadhu be¬ gan reciting shlokas. To Raman’s surprise, he went on re¬peating the same shloka over and over again. Raman realized that he was a fraud. Suddenly, he leaned forward and plucked a strand of hair from the sadhu’s beard. “I have the key to Heaven!” he shouted triumphantly. The villagers looked startled. “This sadhu is so great that if I keep the hair from his beard with me, I will be blessed forever!” said Raman. Immediately there was a scramble as '.the villagers rushed to get hold of a hair from the sadhu’s beard. The frightened sadhu ran for his life and was never heard of again. |