一次,拉玛跟一群士兵一起旅行。这些士兵都是退役老兵,很快就谈起了他们在战场上的经历。一个老兵说起他曾单枪匹马地杀过七个敌人。另一个则详细讲述了他在海湾攻占整个敌营时的风采。讲完之后,他们有些不屑地望着拉玛。 "我觉得你不会有什么值得炫耀的冒险。”一个灰头发的战士说。 “哦,但我的确有。"拉玛说。 “你有?”士兵们说。 “是的,"拉玛说,“有一次我在旅途中看到一个很大的帐篷。我进去,看到席子上躺着一个我所见过的块头最大的人。我立刻认出他,就是多年来给当地带来巨大威胁的令人心惊的土匪。” "你做什么了?”士兵们的兴趣已经完全被引起。 “我砍掉他的脚趾,然后就逃命了。”拉玛说。 “他的脚趾?”一个士兵问,"为什么是脚趾?你应该把握机会砍下他的头才对。” “已经有人把他的头砍下来了。”拉玛咧嘴笑着说。 Around the Camp-fire Once while traveling, Rama found himself in the company of a group of soldiers. They were all veterans of war and soon they got to talk about their experiences on the battlefield. One old soldier told of the time he had single-handedly slain seven enemy soldiers. Another gave a detailed description of the manner in which he had held an en¬tire enemy battalion at bay. When they had finished they looked condescendingly at Ra¬ma. “I don’t suppose you have any adventure worth telling. ” said one of the grizzled warriors. “Oh, but I have.” said Rama “You have?” said the soldiers. “Yes,” said Rama. “Once while traveling I chanced upon a large tent. I entered and there, lying on a mat was the largest man I had ever seen. I recognized him at once as a dreaded dacoit who had been terrorizing that part of the country for years! ” “What did you do?” asked the soldiers, their interest now fully aroused. “I cut off his toe and ran for dear life. ’’ said Rama. “ His toe?” said a soldier. “Why toe? You should have cut off his head while you had the chance!” “Somebody had already done that.” said Rama, grinning. |