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时间:2013-12-22 22:23来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
一天早上,一位村民走出茅屋,看到屋外的泥路上有一些巨型的圆形脚印。 天哪!这是什么?他喊道。 很快,他的茅屋外面聚满了人。没有人以前见过这么大的脚印,他们都很迷惑。他
几天之后的一个夜晚,留下足迹的动物 ,再次经过此地。第二天早上,村民看到了足迹,这一次他们一点也不害怕。他们知道是那只鹿又来戏弄他们了。

The Mysterious Track
One morning a villager stepped out of his hut and saw huge, round footmarks in the mud outside his dwelling.
“Oh,my God! What’s this!” he shouted.
Soon there was a large crowd outside his hut. None of the villagers had ever seen such large footprints before and they were bewildered by them.
They followed the tracks and found that they ran all through the village to the other side.
“I think.. I think,,,said a villager, finally, “we were visited by a demon last night. ”
“He must’ve been of a monstrous size.,’ said another man, shuddering.
“Let us not panic,” advised a third villager. “There might be a simple explanation for all this. Let’s call Lai Bujhakkad. He has helped us so many times in the past... ”
So Lai Bujhakkad who lived in a neighboring village, was sent for and he came with¬out fuss. He bent over the prints and studied them from every angle.
“Some of us think they were made by a d-demon. ” said the headman, hesitatingly.
“You people have such fertile imaginations,” said Lai Bujhakkad, giving him a with¬ering look. “No, these tracks were not made by a demon or monster. They were made by a deer. ”
“A deer!” exclaimed the headman. “But they're so big!”
“That’s because,” explained Lai Bujhakkad patiently, “the animal tied large stones to its feet to fool us.”
The villagers stood gaping in wonder at Lai Bujhakkad.
“Only you could have seen through the deer’s clever trick. ” said the headman.
Lai Bujhakkad graciously acknowledged the compliment and returned home.
Some nights later, the animal who had made the tracks, a large elephant, came that way again. The villagers saw the tracks the next morning but this time they were not a- 什aid. They knew the deer was trying to fool them again.
