豺狼遇到狼,攀谈起来。"你受过怎样的教育?”狼突然问道。 "说实话,我只受过一半教育。”豺狼说。 "那么我受的教育就是你的两倍了。’’狼说,“从现在开始,你应该称我为‘先生。’” 这时,一只猛虎从后面的树丛里走了过来。 "我们该怎么办,先生?"豺狼问。但狼已经吓得说不出话来。 "去哪儿?"老虎咆哮着说,摆出跳跃的姿势。 "我们实际上是来请教您的,先生。”豺狼说,“我们两个起了争执,只有您这样智慧才能帮我们解决。" 老虎很高兴。‘‘什么争执?"老虎放松下来问。 “我逮到两只肥鸡。”豺狼说,"我的朋友说他受的教育比我多,所以应该给他一只。你说公平吗?" ‘‘你受过什么样的教育?”老虎打量着狼问道。 狼吓得牙齿打颤。 “他说从牙齿就能看出他的资格来了。"豺狼解释道。 “是这样吗!"老虎说,"那我的学问就更深了……看!”他张开嘴,露出可怕的牙齿。 狼被眼前的景象吓得四肢发软,瘫倒在地。 "他承认您更有学问,正向您的牙齿鞠躬呢。”豺狼解释说,“我也应该向您鞠躬,为您在解决我们之间的争端中所表现出的智慧而鞠躬。” "我有智慧吗?’’老虎不解地说。 “既然已经说明,鸡是属于你的,我和我的朋友也就没有争执了。”豺狼说,“请随我回家去取鸡吧。” 老虎很高兴,他很少能吃到鸡。而且,他的高智商也已经告诉他:吃掉鸡之后,便可以吃掉豺狼和狼。 “带路!"他说。 豺狼把他带到山上的一个隧道口。 “我们到了。"他说,"我的朋友会进去取鸡。” 入口对狼来说太小了,但他急于进入隧道以求安全,总算挤了进去。过了一段时间,狼没有出来,豺狼便说进去看看是怎么回事,也灵巧地滑进隧道里去了。 老虎好一会儿才意识到自己被愚弄了。 他恼羞成怒,忘了自己的教养,把脸靠进洞口,大声咒骂豺狼。 老虎离开之后,狼在豺狼的帮助下,挤出了隧道。 他已经有力气说话了。 "你可能没有受过教育,’’他佩服地说,“但是你的确有智慧。” "谢谢夸奖!"豺狼说,“先生!" Half-educated A jackal met a wolf and the two got to talk. “How far have you studied?” asked the wolf, suddenly. “To tell you the truth, I'm only half-educated.” said the jackal. “Then I’m twice as educated as you,,,said the wolf, “from now on you should ad¬dress me as ‘ Sir’ .” Just then a ferocious tiger stepped out from behind a bush. “What shall we do...Sir?” asked the jackal. But the wolf was so frightened he couldn’t talk. “Going somewhere?” growled the tiger, positioning himself to leap. “We were in fact conning to consult you, Sir,” said the jackal, thinking quickly. “A dispute has arisen between us and only you with your superior intelligence could settle it for us.” The tiger was pleased. “What’s this dispute about?” he asked, relaxing. “I have caught two plump chickens,” said the jackal. “My friend says that as he is more educated than me he should get one. Now is that fair?” “How far have you studied?” asked the tiger, looking the wolf up and down. The wolf’s teeth chattered in fright. He says he has as many qualifications as there are teeth in his mouth. ” interpreted “Is that so!” said the tiger. “Then I’m far better educated... see!” And he opened his mouth to show his fearsome teeth. The sight so unnerved the wolf that his legs gave way and he fell flat on his face. “He admits you're more educated and is prostrating at your teeth,” explained the jackal. “I should prostrate too for the wisdom you've shown in settling our dispute.” “I have?” said the tiger, perplexed. “Now that you’ve claimed the chickens for yourself, my friend and I no longer have a dispute,,’ said the jackal. “Please follow me to my house and 1,11 give you the chickens. ” The tiger was delighted. He rarely got to eat chicken. Also, his superior intelligence told him that once he had eaten the chickens there was nothing to prevent him from eat¬ing the jackal and the wolf too. “Lead the way.” he said. The jackal led him to the mouth of a tunnel in the side of a hill. “Here we are,” he said. “My friend will go in and bring the chickens. ” The opening was much too small for the wolf but he was so eager to gain the safety of the tunnel that he somehow squeezed himself through it. When he did not come out for some time, the jackal said he would see what was keeping him and deftly slippec into the tunnel, too. It took some time for the tiger to realize that he had been tricked. Then he was so fu¬rious that he forgot he was educated and putting his face close to the opening roundly cursed the jackal and flung the choicest abuse at him. After he had gone, the wolf, helped by the jackal, squeezed out of the tunnel He had got his voice back. “You may be uneducated,” he said admiringly, “but you’ve certainly got brains. ’’ |