康索是一只以狡猾与智慧出名的鹿。鳄鱼布亚跟其他鳄鱼一样住在河里,等待机会吃掉康索。 一天,康索在河边走,看到河对面的树上有熟透的红果子。他想尝尝这美昧的果子,于是有了主意。他大喊:"布亚:布亚!"布亚慢慢地浮出水面,“什么事啊,康索? 喊我的名字 干什么?难道不怕我抓住你当美餐吗?"布亚张着大嘴问。 "我当然害怕,但我有任务要完成。国王要我清点一下河里的鳄鱼。他要办一次盛宴, 邀请你们全部参加。到时美味数不胜数,但首先我得数一下你们这有多少鳄鱼。所以,能否让你的伙伴们横穿河面,排成一队,让我数一下。"康索说。 布亚非常高兴。他召集河里所有的鳄鱼,并把宴会的事情告诉他们。很快,鳄鱼们就横穿河面,排成了一队。“我清点的时候不要想着吃我。否则,我就无法向大王复命了。”康索警告他们。“我们不会吃你的。”鳄鱼们保证。 康索走到布亚身上,数了声一。走到第二只鳄鱼时数声二。他就这样一个一个数下去,直到到达河对面。康索转身对布亚说:“布亚,谢谢你帮我过河。这儿就是我的新家了。" “你什么意思?你骗我们帮你过河?”布亚喊道,"根本就没有宴会,对不对?”其他的鳄鱼怒气冲冲地盯着布亚。他们知道自己被骗了。 从此以后,康索快乐地生活在自己的新家里,享用众多美味的水果和绿草。布亚却因为自己的愚蠢而被其他的鳄鱼冷落。 Outwitting a Crocodile Kancil, an intelligent mouse-deer was known for his cunning and wit. Buaya, a crocodile,and a few other crocodiles lived in the river and were waiting for a chance to have ancil for dinner. One day, as Kancil was walking by the riverside, he saw red, ripe fruits hanging on e trees across the river. Kancil wanted to taste the delicious looking fruits and an idea ime to him. He called out, “Buaya! Buaya!” Slowly Buaya emerged from the water. A/hat is it, Kancil? Why are you shouting my name? Aren't you afraid that I would grab RJ and have you for dinner?” asked Buaya, opening his big mouth. “Of course I am afraid but I have a mission to do. The King has ordered me to count 3 crocodiles in the river. He is having a feast and all of you are invited to attend. There ill be plenty of food, but first I need to count how many of you are here. So would you Base ask your fellow crocodiles to line up across the river so that I can count you up?” iid Kancil. Buaya was excited. He gathered all the crocodiles in the river and told them about 3 feast. Soon all the crocodiles made a line across the river. “Don’t try to eat me while im counting. Otherwise I would not be able to report to the King,” warned Kancil. “We 〕n’t eat you,” the crocodiles promised. Kancil stepped on top of Buaya’s head and counted one. When he came to the sec- d crocodile, Kancil counted two and so to the rest of the line until he reached to the ler side of the river. Kancil turned to Buaya and said, “thank you, Buaya, for helping e to cross the river. This is my new home.” “What do you mean? You tricked us to help you cross the river?” shouted Buaya. “There isn’t any feast, is there?” The other crocodiles looked at Buaya angrily. They knew they had been tricked. After that, Kancil lived happily in his new home and had plenty of tasty fruits and green leaves to eat. Buaya, however, was ignored by the other crocodiles because of his foolishness. |