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时间:2013-12-20 16:05来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
我一生曾多次听说:所有老板都不近情理。但我对现任老板的感觉却并非如此。 我和母亲在同一家工厂工作。她在那里干了快20年了,我也干了10多年了。1990年,我还在高中,那时我就

Not My Boss
I've heard the phrase“All bosses are jerks.” several times throughout my life. But over all that is not how I feel about my present boss.
My mother and I work in the same factory. She’s been there almost twenty years. I’ve been there less then ten. It was in 1990, my senior year in high school, when I real¬ized what kind of man this boss was.
My grandmother, my mom's mother, past away the morning of February 19,1990. It was a very unexpect¬ed death that traumatized the family. Of course, every- one in the family missed a day's work or school that day. and the day of the funeral. My mother was unable to work that week. Before that following Monday, my now present boss, called giving his condolences, and told my mother not to worry about work. Take as many weeks off that she needed. He would still pay her regardless, and her job would be waiting. He sent flowers, and he al¬so had a platter of food sent to our home. That year he paid her for five weeks of person¬al time,three weeks for my grandmother's death, and two weeks normal vacation. He was kind to send flowers and food.
From this I grew a deep respect for this man. He did the extra that was not asked of him, nor expected. I’ll be the first to admit that I don't always agree with his way of thinking, but that in no way has dwindled the respect that I have for him. So when I hear that phrase “All bosses are jerk.” I just smile and say “Not my boss.”
