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时间:2013-12-20 11:28来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
让我告诉你一个小女孩,她出生在田纳西州的一个偏僻小屋贫寒的家庭里,在22个孩子中排行20。她是个早产儿, 天生虚弱,能不能活下来都是个问题。4岁时,她得了双叶肺炎和猩红热

Become What You Want to Be
Let me tell you about a little girl who was born into a very poor family in a shack in the Backwoods of Tennessee. She was the 20th of 22 children, prematurely born and frail. Her survival was doubtful. When she was four years old she had double pneumonia and scarlet fever—a deadly combination that left her with a paralyzed and useless left leg. She had to wear an iron leg brace. Yet she was fortunate in having a mother who encourages her.
Well, this mother told her little girl, who was very bright, that despite the brace and leg, she could do whatever she wanted to do with her life. She told her that all she nee¬ded to do was to have faith, persistence, courage and indomitable spirit.
So at nine years of age, the little girl removed the leg brace, and she took the step the doctors told her she would never take normally. In four years, she developed a rhyth¬mic stride, which was a medical wonder. Then this girl got the notion, the incredible no¬tion, that she would like to be the world's greatest woman runner. Now, what could she mean—be a runner with a leg like that?
At age 13, she entered a race. She came in last-way, way last. She entered every race in high school, and in every race she came in last. Everyone begged her quit! However, one day, she came in next to last. And then there came a day when she won a race. From then on, Wilma Rudolph won every race that she entered.
