法国人从莫斯科撤走后,两个农夫出门寻找财物。其中一人聪明,另一人愚蠢。他们一起走到城里被烧的地区,发现一些被烧焦的羊毛。他们说:“拿回家,或许会派上用场。'’ 他们能拿多少就拿多少,然后动身回家。半路上,他们看到了许多布散落在地上。聪明的农夫丢掉了羊毛,拾了他能拿得动的布,扛在了肩上。愚蠢的农夫说:“为什么需要扔掉了羊毛?羊毛已经捆得好好的,扎的牢牢的。”他一点布也没有拿。 又走了一段,他们看见街上扔着衣服。聪明的农夫 放下布,捡起衣服,扛在肩膀上。愚蠢的农夫问:“为什么要扔了布呢?布已经捆得好好的,扎得牢牢的。” 他们继续走,看到了到处散落着银碟,聪明的农夫又把衣服扔了,把银器检起来,收拾好带走。但愚蠢的农夫仍然不肯丢掉他的羊毛,因为他已经把它捆得好好的,扎得牢牢的。 The Load After the French had left Moscow, two peasants went out to search for treasures. One was wise, the other stupid. They went together to the burnt part of the city, and found some scorched wool. They said, “That will be useful at home. They gathered up as much as they could carry, and started to return home with it. On the way they saw a lot of cloth lying in the street. The wise peasant threw down the wool,seized as much of the cloth as he could carry, and put it on his shoulders. The stupid one said, “Why throw away the wool? It is nicely tied up, and nicely fastened on. ” And so he did not take any of the cloth. They went farther, and saw some ready-made clothes lying in the street that had been thrown away. The wise peasant unloaded the cloth, picked up the clothes, and put them on his shoulders. The stupid one said, “Why should I throw away the cloth? It is nicely tied up and securely fastened on my back. ” They went on. And saw silver plate scattered about. The wise peasant threw down the clothes, and gathered up as much of the silver as he could, and started off with it. But the stupid one did not give up his wool, because it was nicely tied up and securely fastened on. |