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时间:2013-12-19 15:23来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
一天,我和一位朋友正站在杂货店门口排队。我告诉她我的孩子有多懒。几乎每天早晨,我下班回来,家里都是一片狼藉。 我相信现在的孩子只为利而行。我拼命养活他们, 而他们却连
"我相信现在的孩子只为利而行。我拼命养活他们, 而他们却连保持家里整洁都做不到。这对我没什么影响,但家里脏乱说明女主人不怎么样。”我说。
“你不知道你多有福气!”在我们后面的一名妇女说, “我希望我回到家看到家里乱作一团。我不介意地毯被毁,脏盘子到处放,脏衣服堆成小山或者很多袜子等着配成双。我甚至不介意别人说我家脏。我很喜欢冲进房间,抱起我的孩子,给他们一个拥抱,吻他们,告诉他们我有多么爱他们。可是,我的两个孩子在车祸中丧生,现在只剩下我丈夫和我。我们的房间整洁,衣物餐具归放整齐,没有争吵的声音、摔门的声音、没有笑声,甚至没有一句‘我爱你,妈玛’。所以,你看你们多有福气呀!我真希望能像你们这样。我多希望能够把我的孩子拥入怀中,擦去他们的眼泪,分享他们的梦想,哪怕只是看着他们玩。如果我有孩子,我才不在意家里看上去怎样。拥有他们我就很高兴。”

A friend and I were standing in line at the grocery store the other day, and I was tell¬ing her how lazy my children were. I had come in from work that morning, and like most times, my house was wrecked.
“I believe children nowadays are just out for what they can get. I bend over back¬wards for them, and they can’t even help keep our house clean. It wouldn’t bother me so, but it’s the woman who looks bad if the house is a mess. ” I said.
“Do you know how blessed you are?” a woman behind us asked. “I would love to go home and find my house a mess. I wouldn't mind my carpet being ruined or the di¬shes left everywhere. I wouldn’t mind the dirty clothes being piled high or the many socks to match. I wouldn’t even mind anyone talking about my dirty home. Matter of fact, I would love it. I would dearly love to kick my way through the house just to get to my kids and be able to hug them, kiss them and tell them how much I love them. You see. my two children were killed in an auto accident and now it's just my husband and me. My house stays clean, my clothes stay put up, the dishes are done. There are no sounds of arguing, no slamming doors, no laughter, no ’I love you Mom.' So you see, you are very blessed. What I would give to be going through what you are right now. How I would love to be able to hold my kids, wipe away their tears, share their dreams. Just to watch them play. If I had my children, I wouldn't care how my house looked. I would be happy just to have them. ”
Now if you come into my house and see a big old mess, you can think bad thoughts if you want, but I feel greatly blessed.
