瓦莱丽•福尔既是个法国律师,也是个热心的手风琴演奏者——这两种事实结合到一起,会让人怀疑她能否找到一个伴侣。然而,她嫁给了个拉小提琴的男人。为了寻找乐趣和放松自己,他们喜欢在家乡贝尔热拉克的街头演奏乐器,以愉悦街上的行人。有些人会向他们敞开着的乐器盒子里投硬币。 有一天,两个过路人恰好是法国律师——这两个法国律师很愤怒,他们的同行会做这种讨厌的、可恶的事情。成功地为犯罪嫌疑人辩护是一回事儿,但是在街头弹奏乐器却太让人讨厌了。法国律师要保护自己的名誉,当他们的行为不符合自己的身份和职业时,就要被取消律师资格。事实上,法国律师从事兼职已有很久的历史了。早在1862年,一个法国律师就因在剧院表演而被取消律师资格,因为律师不能做演员。演员是职业的撒谎者。那与律师完全不同。 于是福尔女士被押到当地的律师协会,因其在街上弹奏手风琴的爱好而被暂停律师资格。但是福尔毕竟是个律师,她提出申请,她不屈不挠地申请,律师协会的决议被推翻了。 有趣的是,律师协会注意到,福尔弹手风琴并没有损坏律师的名誉,因为她弹奏时没有穿律师服。因此那些喜欢在街头表演的律师们,要确定自己穿的是非职业服装。 Mon Dieu! Stop the Music Valerie Faure was both a French lawyer and an avid player of the accordion-two facts that,when combined, would make one suspect it would b© impossible for her to find a spouse. Nevertheless, she was married to a man who played the violin. For fun and re¬laxation ,the two liked to hang out on the street corners of their hometown of Bergerac and play their instruments for the amusement of passerby, who may or may not drop coins into their open music cases. One day, two of those passerby happened to be French lawyers-French lawyers who became incensed that one of their own would be doing such a horrible, awful thing. Successfully defending potential criminals is one thing, but playing an accordion on the street, well, that was just tres sick. French lawyers have a reputation to protect, and they’re not above disbarring a lawyer when her conduct is unbecoming and unprofGssion- al. Indeed, there’s a rich tradition of French lawyers getting the boot for extracurricular activity. As far back as 1826, a French lawyer was disbarred for performing in the thea- ter, because you can’t have a lawyer as an actor. Actors are professional liars! And that’s not like a lawyer at all. And so Mme. Faure was hauled up in front of her local bar association, which sus¬pended her from practicing law because of her penchant for playing the accordion on the street. But Faure—who was a lawyer, after all—filed an appeal and her perseverance paid off; her association’s decision was overturned. Interestingly, the decision noted that Faure couldn’t have demeaned the profession of lawyer by her accordion playing because she wasn’t wearing her lawyer's robes while she was performing. So all you French lawyers who like to perform in the street, just make sure you do it in casual attire. |