农民乔认为自己在最近的车祸中所受的伤害很严重,因此到法庭起诉了对车祸负有责任的载重汽车运输公司。在法庭上,载重汽车运输公司颇具想像力的律师质问农民乔: “在事发现场,你不是说你很好吗?” “是这样的,我来告诉你是怎么回事儿。我刚把我喜欢的骡子贝茜套上——” “我没问你详细情况,”律师打断他的话,“只要回答问题就行了。在事发现场,你不是说你很好吗?” “我刚把贝茜套上拖车,朝大路方向行驶——” "法官,我想确定这样一个事实:在事发现场,这个人告诉在场的公路巡警说他很好。现在,在事发几周之后,他又想起诉我的当事人。我认为他是个骗子。请让他回答问题。” 这时候,法官对农民乔的答案也非常感兴趣,并告之律师。 “是这样的,”农民说,"正如我刚才所说的,我刚给我喜欢的骡子贝茜套上拖车,在公路上行驶。正在这时,那辆巨大的半挂车闯红灯,从我的车侧面撞了过来,我被摔进一条沟里,贝茜被摔进另一条沟里。我伤得很重,一点儿也不想动。但是,我能听到贝茜在呻吟、哀鸣。 我从它的呻吟声中听出它伤得很重。事发后不久,公路巡警就来到现场。他可能听到了贝茜的呻吟和哀鸣,就朝它走了过去。他看了一下贝茜,拿出枪,射中了贝茜的眉心。然后,巡警手里拿着枪,穿过公路,看了看我。他说你的骡子已经伤得不成样子,我把它打死了。 你感觉怎么样? ’’’ Farmer Joe and His Mule Farmer Joe decided his injuries from his recent accident were serious enough to take the trucking company responsible for the accident to court. In court, the trucking company’s fancy lawyer was questioning farmer Joe. Didn't you say, at the scene of the accident, that you were fine?” 11 Well, I'll tell you what happened. I had just loaded my favorite mule Bessie into the—” “I didn’t ask for any details,” the lawyer interrupted. “Just answer the question. Did you not say, at the scene of the accident, that you were fine?” “Well I had just got Bessie into the trailer and was driving down the road一’’ “Judge, I am trying to establish the fact that, at the scene of the accident, this man told the Highway Patrolman on the scene that he was just fine. Now several weeks after the accident he is trying to sue my client. I believe he is a fraud. Please tell him to simply answer the question. ” By this time the Judge was fairly interested in Farmer Joe’s answer and told the lawyer so. “Well,” said the farmer, “as I was saying, I had just loaded Bessie, my favorite mule, into the trailer and was driving her down the highway when this huge semi-truck and trailer ran the stop sign and smacked my trailer right in the side. I was thrown into one ditch and Bessie was thrown into the other. I was hurting real bad and didn't want to move. However, I could hear Bessie moaning and groaning. I knew she was in terrible shape just by her groans. Shortly after the accident a Highway Patrolman came on the scene. He could hear Bessie moaning and groaning so he went over to her. After he looked at her he took out his gun and shot her between the eyes. Then the Patrolman came across the road with his gun in his hand and looked at me. He said, ’Your mule was in such bad shape I had to shoot her. How are you feeling?',’ |