去年,英格兰的科学家在向地下挖掘了 100米以后,发现了可追溯到1000年前的铜线痕迹。所以他们得出结论:他们的祖先在1000年前就有了电话线网络。 为了胜过英格兰,苏格兰的科学家在后来的几周内向地下挖了200米,苏格兰报纸的头条新闻写道: "苏格兰科学家已经发现了2000年前的光学纤维痕迹,得出的结论是苏格兰人的祖先提前使用了高科技数字电话,比英格兰早了 1000年。” 一周后,爱尔兰新闻界做了如下报道: "在做了 500米深的挖掘之后,爱尔兰科学家绝对是一无所获。于是他们得 出结论: 5000年前,爱尔兰人的祖先就已经使用手机了。’’ Newsflash After digging to a depth of 100m last year, English scientists found traces of copper wiring dating back 1000 years, and came to the conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network one thousand years ago. So as not to be outdone, in the weeks that followed, Scottish scientists dug 200m, and headlines in the Scottish newspapers read : “Scottish scientists have found traces of 2000 year old optical fibres, and have concluded that their ancestors already had advanced high-tech digital telephones 1000 years earlier than the English. ” One week later, the Irish press reported the following: “After digging as deep as 500m, Irish scientists have found absolutely nothing. They have concluded that 5000 years ago, their ancestors were already using mobile phones. |