有一棵小树从上到下所覆盖的都是松针,而不是树叶。那些松针又尖又扎人,所以小树自言自语道: “我的同伴们都有漂亮的绿叶子,而我只有尖尖的松针。没有人愿意碰我。如果我能许个愿的话,我希望我能有纯金的叶子。” 夜晚来临的时候,小树就睡了。当它早上再醒来的时候,发现自己浑身都覆盖着闪闪发光的金叶子。"啊,啊!”小树说,“我是多么的伟大啊!森林中只有我穿着金色的外套。” 但是到晚上的时候,一个长胡子的小贩拿着一个大袋子走了过来。他看到了闪闪发光的金叶子。于是就把它们全都采了下来,然后急匆匆地跑了,只留下光秃秃的小树。 "天哪!”小树难过地哭道,"我的金叶子全没了!就这样站在那些有着漂亮叶子的同伴中,我会感到很羞耻的。如果我能再许个愿,我希望我能有绿叶子。’’ 然后小树就又睡着了。早上的时候,他又有了绿色的新叶子。它开心地笑了,说:"现在,我就不用感到羞耻了。我像森林中别的同伴一样了。” 但这时来了一只山羊。她看到了嫩嫩的新叶子。 于是她就啃啊,啃啊啃,把所有的叶子都啃光了,后来她连树枝和嫩芽都吃掉了,直到把小树啃得光秃秃的。 “天哪!"小树痛苦地喊道,“我再也不要叶子了, 不管是金叶子还是绿叶子!如果我能再次拥有我的松针,我就再也不会抱怨了。” 就这样,小树又难过得睡着了。当它在早晨的阳光里再次看到自己的时候,它笑啊,笑啊,笑。别的树也都笑了,但是小树并不介意。你知道它们为什么笑 吗?因为夜里小树的松针又全都长出来了! The Little Tree That Longed for Other Leaves There was a little tree who was covered from top to bottom with needles instead of leaves. The needles were sharp and prickly, so the little tree said to itself : "All my tree comrades have beautiful green leaves, and I have only sharp needles. No one will touch me. If I could have a wish I would ask for leaves of pure gold.” When night came the little tree fell asleep, and, in the morning it woke early and found itself covered with glistening,golden leaves. "Ah, ah!" said the little tree, "how grand I am! No other tree in the woods is dressed in gold.” But at evening time there came a peddler with a great sack and a long beard. He saw the glitter of the golden leaves. He picked them all and hurried away leaving the little tree bare. "Alas!” cried the little tree in sorrow, " all my golden leaves are gone! I am ashamed to stand among the other trees that have such beautiful foliage. If I only had another wish I would ask for green leaves." Then the little tree slept again, and in the morning it was covered with fresh, green foliage. And it laughed merrily, and said, “Now, I need not be ashamed any more. I am like my comrades of the woods.” But along came a goat. She saw the crisp, new leaves;and she nibbled, and nibbled, and nibbled them all away, and she ate up both stems and tender shoots, till the little tree stood bare. "Alas!" cried the little tree in anguish, " I want no more leaves, neither gold ones nor green ones! If I could only have my needles once more,I would never complain again." And sorrowfully the little tree fell asleep, but when it saw itself in the morning sunshine, it laughed and laughed and laughed. And all the other trees laughed, too, but the little tree did not care. Why did they laugh? Because in the night all its needles had come again! |