已经是五月了,虽然风还是有点凉,但是很多漂亮的花儿都已经开了,粉红的,雪白的。树丛中,田野中,花园里,到处都在呼喊着:"春天来了!春天来了!" 就在这时,一位年轻的公主恰巧路过。她停下来,折了一支苹果花带回了宫殿。所有见到苹果花的人都赞美着它的美丽与芬芳。慢慢地,小苹果花变骄傲了,它觉得美丽是世界上唯一值得珍惜的东西。当它往窗外看时,看到了一种很普通的黄色小花。它们都昂着头,漫山遍野地开着。 小苹果花问这种普通的小花:"你叫什么名字?” “我叫蒲公英。”小花回答说。 “可怜的小植物,”小苹果花说,“这不是你的错。但是长得这么平庸,还叫这么难听的名字,你该是多么难过啊!" 那小花还没来得及回答,一束温暖的阳光走了过来,说:“在我眼里没有丑陋的花朵。它们都像我一样美丽。"他亲吻了小苹果花,但是当他弯下身来亲吻田野中的蒲公英的时候,他停留的时间更长。 就在这时,一群小孩子穿过田野跑了过来。他们摘下已经结了种子的蒲公英,用力一吹,把花瓣吹走,然后快乐地许着愿。 “你看到了吧?”阳光说,"蒲公英也很美丽。” "只有对孩子们来说它才是美丽的。"骄傲的小苹果花说,"但美丽绝不仅仅指这个。”就在这时,公主走了过来。她手中拿着的东西好像是一朵美丽的花。她小心翼翼的保护着那花儿,生怕会被风吹了。你觉得那会是什么?是毛茸茸的蒲公英。‘‘看!"公主说,"它是多么漂亮啊!我要把它和苹果花一起画在画里。” 于是阳光又亲吻了小苹果花。当他弯下身去亲吻蒲公英的时候,小苹果花脸红了。 The Proud Little Apple Blossom It was the month of May, though the wind still blew cool, many beautiful blossoms were already showing their pink and white blooms, so that from bush and tree, field and garden, came the glad cry, "Spring is here! Spring is here!” Now, it happened that a young princess rode by. She stopped to pick a branch of apple blossoms to take to her palace. All who saw the apple blossom praised its beauty and fragrance until the blossom became proud, and thought that beauty was the only valuable thing in the world. When she looked out of the window, she noticed a little, common, yellow flower, which seemed to lift up its head and grow everywhere. The apple blossom said to the plain little flower, "What is your name?” "I am called the dandelion,” replied the little flower. "Poor little plant,” said the apple blossom. "It is not your fault; but how sad you must feel to be so plain and to bear such an ugly name.” Before the little plant could reply a warm sunbeam came along and said, “I see no ugly flowers. They are all beautiful alike to me. " And he kissed the apple blossom;but he stooped low and lingered long to kiss the little yellow dandelion in the field. And then some little children came tripping across the field. They picked carefully those dandelion that had gone to seed, and tried to blow the feathery down off with one breath, making joyous wishes. "Only to children are they beautiful," said the proud apple blossom. “But beauty is better than this. ’’ Just then the princess came along. In her hand she carried something that seemed like a beautiful flower. She covered it carefully from the wind. What do you think it was? It was the feathery crown of the dandelion. “See!" she said, “How beautiful it is! I will paint it in a picture with the apple blossoms. ’’ Then the sunbeam kissed the apple blossom,and as he stooped low to kiss the dandelion the apple blossom blushed with shame. |