在波斯东部,曾经有位园艺师很喜欢养花、种果树。他没有妻子,没有孩子,没有朋友,除了自己的花园,一无所有。最终这个好心人感觉没有人聊天很苦闷,便决定出去寻找一个朋友。他刚出花园便迎面遇上了一只熊,而这只熊也和园艺师一样出来找伙伴,两人当即就成了好朋友。 园艺师邀请熊到他的花园中,拿甜瓜来招待熊。 为了回报园艺师的盛情款待,园艺师午后小睡的时候,熊就站在旁边为他赶苍蝇。 —天午后,一只特大的苍蝇落在了园艺师鼻子上。 熊把它赶走了,但它又飞到了园艺师的下巴上,熊又把它赶走了,可是不一会它又飞到了园艺师鼻子上。这下熊大怒,一心只想把苍蝇打死。于是熊抓起一块大石头,用力向园艺师鼻子砸去,结果苍蝇死了,熟睡中的园艺师也死了。 宁有个聪明的敌人也不要有个愚蠢的朋友。 The Gardener and the Bear In the eastern part of Persia there lived at one time a Gardener whose one joy in life was his flowers and fruit trees. He had neither wife, nor children, nor friends; nothing except his garden. At length, however, the good man wearied of having no one to talk to. He decided to go out into the world and find a friend. Scarcely was he outside the garden when he came face to face with a Bear, who, like the Gardener, was looking for a companion. Immediately a great friendship sprang up between these two. The Gardener invited the Bear to come into his garden, and fed him on melons. In return for this kindness, when the Gardener lay down to take his afternoon nap, the Bear stood by and drove off the flies. One afternoon it happened that an unusually large fly alighted on the Gardener,s nose. The Bear drove it off, but it only flew to the Gardener,s chin. Again the Bear drove it away, but in a few moments it was back once more on the Gardener,s nose. The Bear now was filled with rage. With no thought beyond that of punishing the fly, he seized a huge stone, and hurled it with such force at the Gardener,s nose that he killed not only the fly, but the sleeping Gardener. It is better to have a wise enemy than a foolish friend. |