有一次,两个猎人上山打野猪。后来,他们用矛刺死了一头野猪,但是他们没有火,不能烧烤猎物吃。 一个猎人爬上一棵树,想看看附近有没有人生火。他看到远处有炊烟升起,就下了树朝着那个方向走去。到了那里,发现是妖婆阿兰家里生的火。他感到很害怕,但还是溜进了妖婆屋里,发现阿兰和她的孩子正呼呼大睡。 他踮起脚尖小心翼翼地往里走,可还是把阿兰惊醒了,她大叫一声:“你要干什么?" "我想借你的火用用,”猎人说,"我们杀死了一头野猪。” 阿兰给了猎人火种,自己挎了一个篮子,跟他一起去了放野猪的地方。 野猪烤熟之后,妖婆用长长的指甲切碎了猪肉。她把猪肝交给了猎人,让他拿到她家里喂自己的孩子。 猎人出发了,但他在路上吃掉了猪肝。到了阿兰家,他不知道该怎么办才好。他环顾四周,看到火苗上架着一口大锅,里面的水沸腾着,他就把妖婆的孩子扔了进去,然后往回走。 “我的宝宝吃得还好吧?”阿兰问。 "好极了。"猎人回答。 阿兰把大部分肉装进自己篮子,回家了。她刚走,猎人就对同伴讲了自己所做的事情,他们都吓坏了,马上跑去藏了起来。 阿兰到家后,发现孩子在热水里烫死了,气得差点昏了过去, 马上回去找那两个猎人。这时候,猎人已经爬上了水边的一棵参天大树。 阿兰往水里一看,看到了两个猎人的倒影。她弯起了根根手指,伸出长长的手臂,恶狠狠地朝水中抓去。但她抓了个空,向上一看,发现猎人原来藏在一棵大树上。 “你们是怎么上去的?”她怒气冲冲地大声问道。 "我们双脚蹬树爬上来的。”猎人朝地面大喊。 阿二发誓要抓住他们,她紧紧抓住一根藤蔓,双脚踩着树干向上爬去。就在她快要抓着猎人们的时候,猎人砍断了藤蔓,妖婆重重地摔倒在地上,当场丧命。 两个猎人从树上下来,去了阿兰家。他们找到了两只罐子,一只装满了宝珠,一只盛满了黄金。他们扛起罐子回家了。 The Alan and the Hunters Two men once went to hunt wild pigs in the mountains, and after some time they speared and killed one, but they had no fire over which to singe it. One man climbed a tree to see if there was a fire nearby, and discovering smoke at some distance, he started toward it. When he reached the place, he found that the fire was in the house of an Alan, and he was very much afraid; but creeping up into the house, he found that the Alan and her baby were fast asleep. He stepped on tip-toe, but nevertheless the Alan was awakened and called out, “What do you want?” “I should like to get some fire,” said the man, “for we have killed a wild pig.” The Alan gave him the fire, and then taking her basket she went with him to the place where the pig was. After they had singed the animal, the Alan cut it up with her long nails and handed the liver to the man, telling him to take it to her house to feed the baby. The man started, and on the way he ate the liver. When he reached the Alan's house he did not know what to do. For some time he looked around,and then seeing a large caldron of hot water on the fire, he threw the baby into it and went back. “Did the baby eat well?” asked the Alan. “Very well,” said the man. Then she put most of the meat into her basket and started home. As soon as she had gone, the man told his companion what he had done, and they were so frightened that they ran to hide. When the Alan reached home and found the baby dead in the hot water, she was very angry and started back immediately to find the men, who, in the meantime, had climbed a high tree that stood near the water. The Alan looked down into the water, and seeing the reflection of the men, she reached in her long hand with the fingers that pointed backward, but when she could not touch them, she looked up and saw them in the tall tree. “How did you get up there?” she cried angrily. “We climbed up feet first,” called down the men. The Alan,determined to get them,caught hold of a vine and started up the tree feet first,but before she quite reached them,they cut the vine and she fell to the ground and was killed. Then the men came down and went to the Alan’s house, where they found a jar full of beads and another of gold, and these they brought with them when they returned home. |