很久以前,有只狗经常去马厩,那里住着国王的大象。刚开始,狗只是去那里吃大象吃剩的食物。 日复一日,狗总是去马厩,蹲在一边等食物吃。慢慢地,大象和狗成了好朋友。于是,大象开始跟狗分享自己的食物,他们一起用餐。大象睡觉的时候,狗也躺在他的身边入睡。 大象想玩耍的时候,他会用长鼻子卷起狗,在空中甩过来摆过去。大象和狗逐渐变得形影不离,如果有一方不在身旁,另一方就会感到不开心。 —天,一位农民看到了这只狗,就对大象饲养员说:“我想买下那只狗。他看起来很温顺,也很聪明。你要多少钱?” 大象饲养员才不在乎这只狗呢,那阵子他正缺钱花,于是就开出了一个合理的价格,农民付了钱,把狗带到了乡下。 国王的大象非常想念狗。没有了朋友在身边分享食物,他不思饮食。洗澡的时候,大象也不愿下水。第二天,大象仍然不吃不喝,不愿洗澡。第三天,大象依旧不吃不喝不洗澡,仆人只好禀告了国王。 国王叫来了总管,对他说:“去马厩查一查大象到底出了什么事。” 总管大人去了马厩,上上下下仔细察看了大象的身体,然后对大象饲养员说:"大象的身体看来没有任何问题,但他为什么看起来这么伤心?难道他失去了什么玩伴?” “是的,”饲养员答道,“原来有只狗跟大象吃睡在一起,还陪他玩耍。但三天前狗离开这儿了。” “你知道狗现在哪儿吗?”总管问 "我不知道。”饲养员回答说。 于是,总管回到国王那里汇报说:“大象没有生病,但他失去了一位朋友,是一只狗,所以他变得很孤独。” “狗现在哪里?"国王问道。 “大象饲养员说有一个农民把他带走了,”总管说,“但没人知道农民住在哪里。” "那好吧,”国王说,"我传谕全国,命令买狗人立刻把狗放了。他买狗的钱我会原数返还。” 买狗的农民听到了国王的圣旨,马上释放了狗,狗以最快的速度冲回了大象住的马厩。大象见到久违的朋友异常兴奋,他用长鼻子一下子卷起了狗,放在自己头上,然后又把他放回了地上。 大象饲养员拿来了美味的食物,狗津津有味地吃着,大象盯着朋友看了好一阵子,这才低下头也吃了起来。 从此以后,大象和狗就一直生活在一起,直到老去。 The Elephant and the Dog Once upon a time a Dog used to go into the stable where the king’s Elephant lived. At first the Dog went there to get the food that was left after the Elephant had finished eating. Day after day the Dog went to the stable,waiting around for bits to eat. But by and by the Elephant and the Dog came to be great friends. Then the Elephant began to share his food with the Dog,and they ate together. When the Elephant slept, his friend the Dog slept beside him. When the Elephant felt like playing, he would catch the Dog in his trunk and swing him to and fro. Neither the Dog nor the Elephant, was quite happy unless the other was nearby. One day a farmer saw the Dog and said to the Elephant-keeper, “I will buy that Dog. He looks good-tempered, and I see that he is smart. How much do you want for the Dog?” The Elephant-keeper did not care for the Dog, and he did want some money just then. So he asked a fair price, and the farmer paid it and took the Dog away to the country. The king's Elephant missed the Dog and did not care to eat when his friend was not there to share the food. When the time came for the Elephant to bathe, he would not bathe. The next day again the Elephant would not eat, and he would not bathe. The third day, when the Elephant would neither eat nor bathe, the king was told about it. The king sent for his chief servant, saying, “Go to the stable and find out why the Elephant is acting in this way.” The chief servant went to the stable and looked the Elephant all over. Then he said to the Elephant-keeper, “There seems to be nothing the matter with this Elephant’s body, but why does he look so sad? Has he lost a play-mate?” “Yes,” said the keeper, “there was a Dog who ate and slept and played with the Elephant. The Dog went away three days ago. “Do you know where the Dog is now?” asked the chief servant. “No, I do not,” said the keeper. Then the chief servant went back to the king and said but he is lonely without his friend, the Dog.” “Where is the Dog?” asked the king. “A farmer took him away, so the Elephant-keeper says,,’ said the chief servant. “No one knows where the farmer lives." “Very well,” said the king. “I will send word all over the country, asking the man who bought this Dog to turn him loose. I will give him back as much as he paid for the Dog.” When the farmer who had bought the Dog heard this, he turned him loose. The Dog ran back as fast as ever he could go to the Elephant’s stable. The Elephant was so glad to see the Dog that he picked him up with his trunk and put him on his head. Then he put him down again. When the Elephant-keeper brought food, the Elephant watched the Dog as he ate, and then took his own food. All the rest of their lives the Elephant and the Dog lived together. |