从前有一位国王,他的国家地域辽阔,繁荣富足。一天,他把军队召集在一起,去征服一个遥远的边陲小国。 整个上午,国王和士兵们马不停蹄地行军。后来到了一座森林,他们就在林中安营扎寨。 士兵们拿出一些豌豆喂马。林中的一只猴子看到豌豆,就从树上跳下来抓了几把,先把嘴塞满,又攥满两大把,这才爬回树上,坐下来吃豌豆。 猴子坐在那儿正津津有味地吃着,突然有一颗豌豆从他手中滑落,掉到了地上。贪婪的猴子马上从树上跳下,去找那颗掉落的豆子,结果手中大把的豌豆全都撒到了地上,而那颗掉落的豌豆却怎么也找不到。猴子只好又爬回树上,阴沉着脸坐着。“为了多捡一粒豌豆,我把手中所有豌豆都弄掉了。” 他自言自语道。 看到了猴子的遭遇,国王自言自语道:“我不能像这只愚蠢的猴子一样,为了赢小利而舍大利。我必须马上班师回国,守好国家,安享一切。” 于是,他立刻收兵还朝。 The Penny-Wise Monkey Once upon a time the king of a large and rich country gathered together his army to take a far-away little country. The king and his soldiers marched all morning long and then went into camp in the forest. When they fed the horses they gave them some peas to eat. One of the Monkeys living in the forest saw the peas and jumped down to get some of them. He filled his mouth and hands with them, and up into the tree he went again, and sat down to eat the peas. As he sat there eating the peas, one pea fell from his hand to the ground. At once the greedy Monkey dropped all the peas he had in his hands, and ran down to hunt for the lost pea. But he could not find that pea. He climbed up into his tree again, and sat still, looking “To get more, I threw away what I had,” he self. The king had watched the Monkey, and foolish Monkey, who lost much to gain a little, what I now have.” So he and his men marched back home. |