有位老头儿有个非常漂亮的女儿。一个小伙子问老头儿能不能把女儿嫁给他。老头儿答应下来,但条件是年轻人必须先完成三件事情。 "哪三件事?”年轻人急切地问道。 老头儿说:“你去提一个满是孔眼儿的水桶,就用这个漏水的桶从河里打水往水槽倒,直到你把这个水槽注满水。” 每次小伙子从河里拎起水桶,水很快就漏个精光。老头的女儿过来找他,她带来一根魔杖。她对小伙子说:"用魔杖敲地三次,击打河水三次,命令河水将水桶装满,再将水槽也装满。”小伙子按女孩的话去做,成功了。 小伙子去找老头儿。老头儿说:“我让你做的第二件事是使河水断流干涸,那样我才能过河。” 女孩听说之后,就去了小伙子那里。她说:“用我的魔杖敲地三次,在河岸边敲打三次,命令河水离开这里,这样就能使水流走了。”小伙子照着去做,果然排干了河水。这样河水就断流了。 于是女孩的父亲给小伙子交代了第三件事情。有一棵完全由冰做成的高高的冰树。老头儿说:“你要取下树顶上的两颗金蛋。” 小伙子每次爬树都滑了下来。后来女孩来了。 她说这没什么难的。朝我身上吹三口气,我会倒下死去。取出我的骨头,把它们粘在一起,做成一架你上树用的梯子。你从树上下来以后,收好我所有的骨头,放回我身体里。再对我吹三口气,我就苏醒过来了。” 小伙子按女孩的吩咐去做。他爬到高高的树顶上,取出金蛋,下了冰树,又收好骨头,放回女孩身体里。但他忘了取回女孩的小指骨,它还留在树顶上。 小伙子哭起来,但女孩说话了。她说:“我没事。你把我的小指骨落在了树顶上,所以你必须再上树去取。" 于是,小伙子又取出女孩的骨头做成梯子,再次爬到树上去寻找落在上面的小指骨。下了树,他把骨头全都放回女孩身体里,又对她吹了三口气,女孩果然醒过来了。 小伙子带着金蛋去找未来的岳父。老头儿怎么也不明白小伙子到底是怎么做的,不过他终于答应了小伙子的请求:“好啦!去娶她吧。我把她交给你了。”他终于把女儿嫁给小伙子了! The Three Jobs There was a man who had a pretty daughter. A man asked the old man if he could marry his daughter. The old man agreed on condition that the young man should do three jobs. He asked, “What are they?” The old man said, “I want you to take a bucket that is full of holes. And I want you to go to the river to go for water with that leaky bucket and fill the cistern.” And every time he got the water, it leaked out. The girl went to meet him. She had a wand. And she said to the man, “Strike the ground three times and the river three times, and tell the river to go and fill the barrel and the cistern.” So he did that and succeeded. He went to the old man. The old man said, “The next thing that I want you to do is to dry up the river so that I can cross it.” The girl heard this and went there. She said, “Go and strike my wand on the ground. Three strokes on the ground and three strokes on the river bank, and tell the water to go out. Have the water go away.” Then he did that and drained the river. Now the river was dry. The father then told him the third job. There was a tall ice tree. It was made com¬pletely of ice. He said, “I want you to get the two golden eggs that are up at the top.” Each time the young man tried and slid down. Then the girl came. I’m going to die. Take all my bones. You stick them together. They will make a ladder for you to climb on. When you come back, gather up all my bones and put them back in me. And breathe three times on me; I will revive. ’’ So he did that. He climbed up high. He got the eggs and he came back. Then he got the bones and then he put them back. But he forgot the bone of little finger; he left it on top. So he began to cry, but then she spoke. She says, “I am all right. You've left the bone of my little finger up there at the top of the tree. You must go back.” So he took the girl’s bones back and he climbed up to look for the little finger that remained. Then he came back. He put the bones down and he breathed three times on her and she revived. So he came to bring the eggs to his master. The master just couldn't understand how the young man had done that. “Well,” he said, “come and take her. I give her to you. ’’ He gave his daughter to him. |